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He couldn't get her out of his head. She was better than every adrenaline rush he'd had in the past year. She was the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Billy Loomis had never been so captivated by a girl in his entire life. Until he met a girl with melancholy blue eyes and honey blonde hair, his final girl.

    Before he killed Sidney's mother, he hadn't given her cousin much thought. Jamie Prescott was an 'it' girl. She was a cheerleader, valedictorian, socialite — everything he hated. She was manicured and unscathed. But when he saw her at the funeral it was like looking at a completely different person.

    Jamie stared at the casket with a scowl on her face. It lowered into the ground, there were no tears streaming down her cheeks, no emotion in her eyes. She held Sidney's hand and the other hand was clamped into a tight fist.

    At the memorial, she stood alone. Tatum had taken over as Sidney's comforter and Jamie watched the people from the sidelines, observing. Billy wondered if their families were close? The way Sidney talked about Jamie, it seemed like they were inseparable but, this moment painted a different portrait.

    He walked up to Jamie, "Everyone has been so worried for Sid." He said, "No one's checked on your brother or you." He was testing the waters, testing her.

    She shrugged her shoulders and met his eyes. Jamie's eyes were the kind of blue that you couldn't find in the ocean or in the sky. It was a blue that could only be found in eyes, her twinkling eyes. "It's okay. It wasn't my mom."

    His eyebrows raised at that statement. It was so cold, so uncaring. He knew then that Jamie probably knew a bit more about Maureen Prescott than she led on. There was something underneath the surface that he couldn't quite pin yet. "But she was your Aunt," Billy said.

    She let out a huff of air, "Honestly all this just reminds me that when I go home tonight my mom won't be there."

    "I didn't know your parents separated." He said and that was the honest truth. How could he not know? Wouldn't she have talked about it at school? He pegged her for a girl who liked the attention. Wouldn't she be crying in the halls, as Sidney had been?

    "No one really does." She leaned in, "One of the Prescott policies we live by, 'don't let anyone in on our dirty little secrets.' She left a few months ago, we haven't seen her or heard from her since. It's almost like she's dead too."

    "I'm sorry," He said and he meant it. He knew exactly how she felt, and that was something he'd never expected to feel. "It's worse than death because you know they are out there somewhere but, you may never find them. Never be able to ask them, why?" He cleared his throat, "My mom left too."

    "I'm sorry." She whispered. Jamie Prescott was the first to apologize to Billy about what happened to him. Sidney hadn't even cared. It almost made him sad because the movie couldn't just change all of a sudden. Jamie had to die, anyone who was close to Sidney had to die.

    The night that started it all was exciting for both Stu and Billy. They had planned everything out perfectly. The most popular kids in school were all about to die and the game would start. Act One would go off without a hitch.

    Stu had his fun flirting with Casey as Billy tied up Troy and Steve. They watched from their hiding spot as Casey slowly lost it. Jamie was surprisingly smart, captivating as ever. Billy would enjoy killing her but, he'd miss those eyes. She grabbed the phone from Casey as she sobbed and cradled herself. Jamie took in a breath and Billy did something he'd never done before — he went off script. He grabbed the phone from Stu.

    "Sure you wanna play?" He asked.

    "Just leave us alone," Jamie said but her voice cracked, she was scared. It was like lightning in a bottle. She was scared because of him and he loved it.

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