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March 27th 1996

    "When are you two coming over?" Casey asked. Jamie pressed her phone into her shoulder. Cool lips kissed her exposed neck. She giggled and nudged Troy away from her.

    "We will be over soon," Jamie said. "Just get the popcorn ready and open your parents' liquor cabinet.

    "Are you insane?" Casey gasped, "My parents will be home tonight. If you want booze, bring it yourself."

    She rolled her eyes and looked at Troy, "You still have your fake?" She asked. He flopped down on her bed and pulled his wallet out of his front pocket. "You should've told your parents to get a hotel room or something."

    "Like they'd listen to me," Casey said. Troy held his i.d out and a smirk curled on his lips. Jamie grabbed the collar of his letterman and pulled him closer.

    "You're in luck, Troy can get us beers and stuff." She kissed him and he placed a hand on her boob.

    "I can hear you two, you know?" Casey squealed and Jamie pulled away from him. His cheeks flushed, eyes darkened.

    "You want beer or not?" She asked.

    "Yeah get us a case." She said. "I'll see you soon."

    "See ya." Jamie spun over to her nightstand and put her phone back on it's stand. She felt Troy's hand creep up her thigh.

    "Fuckin finally." He sighed. "You two could talk for days if you had the chance." He grabbed her ass.

    "She's my best friend." She turned to him and pulled his hand off her butt. "Come on we got to get to the liquor store." She jumped off the bed.

    "We got time." He said glancing down at his watch.

    "Seriously Troy." She crossed her arms. "I want to watch the videos Casey got." Troy stood from the bed and walked over to her.

    "Why watch videos when I got something so much sexier to watch right in front of me?" He placed his hands on either side of her cheeks. She smiled and glanced up at him. "Let's just rain check for next week. Steve would understand." He kissed her but Jamie was quick to pull back.

    "I want to hang out with Casey." She said.

    "We always hang out with Casey. When can we just have some time to ourselves?" He asked. "We've almost been together for a year, babe. We haven't even done it yet."

    She pulled back and crossed her arms. "I thought you said you'd wait for me." She raised an eyebrow. 

    "I — I am. I've been waiting." Troy stepped forward and she stepped back. "Jamie, come on, I just — I have needs!"

    "You have needs?" She scoffed. "That's fucking rich!" She grabbed her coat and purse. "You know if you want to fuck someone so bad, why don't you ask Brittany D? I'm sure she'd be happy to get that out of the way for you."

    "I don't want to fuck her. I want to have sex with you!" He said and pointed to her with wide eyes.

    "And I want to go to Casey's tonight because that's what we planned." She bit the inside of her cheek. The truth was, she didn't want to have sex with Troy. She didn't love him enough to give it away. She loved the idea of him. She loved the way his kisses distracted her from the storm inside.

    "Fine, we'll go tonight." He walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Just promise me we'll go on a date night or something soon. Just us."

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