Anthony Perkins, Psycho

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When she saw the white ghost face again, she hadn't realized how scared she was to see it again. His drooping eyes and wide gaping mouth sent a chill down her spine. She watched at he ran across the top floor, he didn't even realize that she was there. He was too busy chasing his next victim. The only two people who'd been up there were Billy and Sidney. She ran up the stairs not really sure who she wanted to be saved. She was torn by what she should do and what she wanted to do, she should be looking for her cousin but, she wanted Billy to be alive. The killer had gone for the boyfriends first, what if was already dead? Why did she care? She looked at the door that Sidney had run from and then to the one she'd gone to, then back — She took in a deep breath and moved toward the first door.

    She pushed the door open, "Billy?" She quietly called. "Are you in here?" She stepped into the master bedroom and gasped at the sight of blood splattered on the walls. When her eyes trailed down to the bed, her heart dropped. He laid there clutching his stomach, blood on his hands. He was dying...

    "Oh my god," She stood above him, his eyes slowly blinking open. He let out a cough and clutched his stomach.

    "Jamie," He reached a hand out for her to take and she sat down on the bed and grabbed it. His blood got onto her hand, it was sticky and cold. She didn't care.

    "I'm so sorry." She felt tears threaten to fall from her eyes. "We gotta call 911," she reached over for the phone.

    "I already did." He squeezed her hand and she looked down at him. He covered his wound with his other hand. "They won't get here in time... I'm dying."

    "You can't — you can't die." She muttered.

    "I've lost too much blood." He said and licked his chapped lips. He took in a slow breath, "Can I ask you something?" His eyebrows came together and she nodded. "If I'd met you first? If it was you and not her, would you have run like she just did?"

    Her mouth bobbed up and down. She glanced down at her hand that was in his, "I didn't run to save Troy..."

    "But if it was me?" He asked.

    She met his dark stare, his brown eyes had no end to them. She could look at them forever, and get lost in their abyss. "I wouldn't leave you to die." She said. "I'd stay."

    "Even if that meant, you'd die?" He asked. "You'd die for me?"

    "I would." She said. She didn't know how she was so sure of herself, of that choice but she knew something that no one else did. She was made for him, she truly believed that. Sidney had taken him from her but, if they had met first, before Sidney and Troy, she would've jumped in front of the killer and died for him.

    "Wow," His quivering lips curled up in a smile. "That would subvert audiences' expectations," He trailed off and hissed as he clutched his wound. "The girl never sacrifices themself for the guy."  He pulled her closer his bloody hand lifted up to brush against her cheek. "I'd die for you." He whispered.

    She didn't like thinking about that, he had to live. He had to because she couldn't imagine life without him now. She felt like she was going crazy. The last voice of reason in her head was screaming at her to wake up, to realize they'd just started talking to each other. She didn't care. She wouldn't listen to reason, she didn't care.

    "You can't die, Billy." She whispered.

    "But if I did..."

    "Stop talking like that," She muttered as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "Come on let's get you out of here."

    His eyes closed and he took in a deep breath. His lips curled up in a weak smirk. He let out a loud cough and clutched his stomach, "Jamie, you have to get out of here."

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