Chapter 6

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Not knowing what was going on I tried to understand the situation and also to stay calm and not get stressed. But that was harder than I thought.

Gary had rushed us hastily into our room and was now packing in a rush. Well packing, he was throwing everything into our cases, not really caring about any kind of tidiness. James obviously sensed the change of mood because he started to cry and I got more and more stressed because of Gary running around and meanwhile me having to calm my son down.

And then I lost it "Gary tell me what's going on for fucks sake. Your stressed, that's stressing James and that is in fact stressing me. You're acting as if one of your or my parents had a stroke! I want to know what's going on!"

He looked at me "I'll tell you as soon as possible. We need to get going."

"No Gary. I want to know it now."

He stopped in his tracks, stepped towards me and hissed "Listen. I'll tell you when we have time. This is not about you or our family. This is big. Big troubles. Well for me. End of."

I swallowed as I hadn't seen him acting like this towards me for like...ever. I was really scared now, so I decided to go along and continued trying to calm down our son, while Gary ordered some help for our luggage.

Suddenly Gary grabbed my hand and pulled me with him towards a waiting car. At least I hadn't to carry James anymore, Gary was carrying him in his car seat.

I sighed as I let myself fall into the backseat of the car. The doors closed and the car rolled off.

Suddenly Gary sighed and took a breath. He turned to me, which I could see from the corner of my eye.

I continued to stare out of the window.

"Clara, I---" His phone interrupted him and I thanked god for it, as I was really not up for speaking to him.

He quietly cursed at who ever it was on the other end of the line before picking up "What? No. Listen, I'll see you as soon as I'm back but until then I don't want to hear from anyone of you. NOBODY. Enough that I had to cut my family holiday short because of YOU LOT NOT BEING ABLE TO HANDLE SUCH BULLSHIT! Jonathan I swear to god, if you put me in the position of being guilty of this again then you can pack your things immediately, GOT IT? I hope for you that you have sent the jet otherwise you'll be in deep shit. Good. Bye."

Oh it was management. I swallowed as I felt how furious Gary was about whatever it was that had happened.

He ended the call and put his phone into his pocket. He sighed and turned to me again.

I didn't look at him though. I was still angry at him for the way he had spoken to me earlier.

"Clara, please look at me."


"Clara, please. I want to apologize."

Nothing. Not a chance. Big mistake.

Gary's short temper came out "For fuck's sake Clara! Look at me!"

I crossed my arms and snaped at him "What?"

He hissed "Don't fucking snap at me."

I retorted "Then stop swearing in front of your son and stop talking to me like that."

He sighed again "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Look Clara, I know this is weird and you want answers, but even I don't exactly know what's going on. I promise you I will tell you everything, but right now I just need you. Because you're my rock. You're the one that I always can rely on, just like I am supposed to be for you. So please, if I snap at you today again, I don't mean it." He was looking at me with puppy dog eyes, knowing what effect that had on me.

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