Chapter 26

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The weeks after our more than stupid argument passed by and even if Gary and I were back in a good place when it came to our relationship, things had still turned a bit rocky in a way.

I didn't know exactly what was wrong but something felt wrong. Gary was out most of the day, leaving early and returning late. He was either with the other lads out promoting their new album "The Circus" or in a meeting about his planned trip for charity to the Kilimanjaro or going to the gym for getting fit for said trip.

I barely saw him or let's say we barely had time as a couple, and our lovelife was as good as dead, which was simply down to missing time. Hell, we hadn't even had a proper conversation for weeks, I was alone most of the time with James, I was missing company.

Of course, I had Anna, Louise, Kennedy and some other friends but I missed my husband.

I took another sip of my tea as I watched the rain drop down against the windows of our living room. It was another cold, rainy January day, a few days before Gary's birthday.

I forced out an ironic laugh as I realised that I didn't even know if Gary had planned anything for his birthday. Probably another busy working day. I had bought his present over a week ago and wrapped it already, but I didn't even know if I would even see him on his birthday.

I placed my now empty mug on the coffee table beside the window when my gaze fell onto the silverframed picture of Gary, James and myself from Christmas.

I sighed and grabbed it, gently brushing my fingertips over it. I smiled at the memories of just a few weeks ago, we had been so happy then.

Of course Gary had been busy then too, but we had still managed to have some time together. I remembered how I had surprised Gary with my second pregnancy and how happy he had been.

I put my left hand onto my stomach where our baby was growing and a single tear made its way over my cheek. I simply missed my husband.

Suddenly I heard the frontdoor and I quickly put the picture back in its place and wiped the tear away.


I gulped "Huh?" I looked up and suddenly saw Gary standing there. I looked at the clock at the wall "Oh, uhrm hi, didn't expect you this early...Unusual for you."

He frowned and opened his arms for me "Eh? What's this attitude? Come here."

I cautiously went over, I don't know why but I was being a bit shy. I didn't look at him and mumbled "Hi."

He kissed my head "You alright?"

I sighed "Mhm."

He pushed me away and smiled at me "Come on. What's wrong? I can see that something's bothering you."

I looked up into his sparkling green eyes, that were looking down at me with nothing but warmth and love, and my bottom lip started to tremble "Oh Gary..."
I pushed my face back against his chest, tears suddenly streaming down my face, wetting his grey jumper.

He tightened his hug and I could hear and feel the gulp emerging from him. He brushed his hand over my head to calm me down and after a few moments I eventually did calm down.

He took my hand and guided me into the kitchen, sitting us down at the kitchen table, his hands holding mine.

I sighed "Gary, I miss you."

He frowned "I'm right here."

I sighed "No. I...I...I feel lonely."

"I can't quite follow you."

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