Chapter 17

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*One week later*

"Gary?!" I called out from the bedroom while I grabbed my bag and unplugged my phone from the charger.

I walked out towards the stairs when Gary called back "Yes?!"

I smiled as I saw him in the hallway, hands on his hips, looking at me with a frown.

"Are you sure I can go?"

He rolled his eyes "Of course stupid. I have time and I am more than capable of looking after our son for a while. You go and enjoy some girls' talk with Anna. You deserve some time off."

I smiled "Thanks. Just wanted to make sure."

He smiled back "Bye. I love you."

"I love you too." I quickly kissed him and then went to my car.

I drove about 10 minutes to a cafe in Mayfair, Anna's and my favourite cafe. I got inside and could already see Anna sitting at a table.

She smiled and waved as she saw me and I smiled and waved back.

She got up as I reached the table and I hugged her "Hi hun. How are you?"

"Aww fine thanks, and you?"

"Good, good."

We sat down and ordered some drinks.

"So, what's going on in your life?" she asked.

I sighed "Well, Gary and I are as happy as ever and James is growing a lot too, so everything fine there, well except that my dad threw a bit of a tantrum last week when he and mum visited us."

She frowned "Wait what? I thought he was supportive?"

"He usually is, honestly and he and Gary get along well too, but when we went out for dinner he started questioning me and Gary about our plans for the future and when I'll be going back to work."

"And when are you?"

I stirred my coffee and put the spoon away "See that's the point. I'm not planning to go back at all, well as long as Gary's fine with it and I don't want to. Maybe I want again sometime in the future but not in the near future. I told him that I realised that being a mum is my dreamjob. That's when he went mad."

Her eyes grew big "And then?"

"Well I got upset and left the table, then Gary talked to them and later they apologized and all. Seems like they accepted it now."


I laughed "Yeah. What's going on in your life by the way? Any news?"

She sighed "No not really..."

I frowned "Hey, what's wrong?"

She shrugged "Dunno....I feel that there's something off with Jack..."

"What do you mean?"

"He's on the edge a lot, I mean he's great with Holly but he's acting kinda strange around me."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Two days?"

"Do you think he's cheating?"

"I honestly don't know. And I am afraid of talking about it with him cause if he is then I don't know what to do cause I love him, I really do and..." she started to tear up and I quickly grabbed her hands "Hey hey, shhhh no tears. We don't know if he is. Maybe he is just stressed from work. Maybe let me talk to him? I can phone him if you want?"

She sniffed "You'd do that?"

I nodded "Sure. I can do it right now if you want."


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