Chapter 7

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Kacchan made him rest at the first sign of daybreak. Izuku had wanted to head out, but Kacchan had shoved him back down to the ground with a hard stare.

"Go to sleep nerd." He said.

Izuku was out the next second in a dreamless bliss. When he finally woke up, it was Kacchan's angry yells outside of the shop. Izuku sat up to look around the room, his brain still groggy to see that he was the only one inside.

Something caught his eye next to him, and he found his water bottle and a protein bar. A note written on a scrap of paper had the threatening message to 'eat it or else.' Izuku chuckled, hearing Kacchan's voice in his head as he read it.

Outside there was cheering from the girls look outside the window while taking a bite of his food.

From the second floor, Izuku could see the destruction of the whole block they were on. No one was left, which left Kacchan right in the middle of the destruction as he taught the girls how to fend off an attacker.

Uraraka jumped in a victory that she had succeeded in flipping Kacchan over her shoulder. Kacchan stood back up from the ground dusting off the dirt from his jeans. Izuku chucked at the site. Only Kaccchan could look irritated at a girl half his size, knocking him down and proud that he had taught her to do it.

Kacchan called Chieko over to try next, but she shook her head, already backing away from the scene.

"Get back here, Tag along! You can't avoid me forever!" He yelled.

"Watch me!" She yelled back before running back inside the shop.

Izuku had to admit Kacchan had the right idea by teaching the girls at least basic self-defense. It may not work for every villain, but it would give them a fighting chance. Izuku also needed to start his own training if he wanted to take control of his new quirk.

An indescribable feeling fell over Izuku as he watched Uraraka speak with Kacchan. The distance muffled their voices as they stood too close to each other. Their interaction was serious as Kacchan looked to be explaining something to her. They seemed to get along well, way better than then he and Kacchan. That reminded Izuku that Uraraka had planned to ask Kacchan to leave with her.

Or had she already asked?

Was that was they were talking about now?

Uraraka's father sat off to the side in a lawn chair they must have found lying around, her mom standing next to him. They watched the two teens pull away to start their training back up. Their smiles were genuine, and they didn't seem bothered by Kacchan's crude way of speaking. It was all so picturesque, as if Kacchan fit right in with the Uraraka family.

His heart pounded in his ears as he watched them, his fist clenched, and Izuku felt as if he had too much energy inside him. Like he wanted to run to burn some of it off.

He missed his morning runs with All Might. They didn't speak much during that time; All Might riding along in his Segway, keeping pace with Izuku. It was the only time that his mind stopped. In those moments, his brain wasn't racing a mile a minute; it was blank. No panic. No worry, No overthinking or doubts. No thoughts of Kacchan. It was only the pounding of his feet against concrete, the burn of his lungs with every breath he took. He was present and clear-headed, and euphoric.

Izuku wondered if it would still feel the same without All Might at his side.

"Oh you finally woke up." Chieko's voice reached broke through Izuku's wandering thoughts. He turned to find the girl watching him from the doorway; her face made it obvious she was curious, but she didn't ask.

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