Chapter 16

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To make a trade.

To trade one life for another.

Izuku grew tired of these impossible ultimatums.

"No," he said.

Inazumi's jaw clenched, his grip tightened on the gun. The cool silver of the metal pressed that much more into the side of Hatsume's head, and everyone tensed at the threat.

Hatsume didn't react to the threat to her life. She kept a loose grip on the arm Inazumi had against her throat, her face washed of emotions.

"Come now Midoriya, I don't think you understand the magnitude of problems that girl will bring to your group. Aren't you their leader? They rely on you to keep them safe, and if you continue to keep Miyahara in your charge, you will bring nothing but danger to them. "

Inazumi smirked at Izuku as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Even if you did manage to get away today, And you did find another safe zone. What do you think will happen when others find out about her quirk? In this new life of survival, she is too valuable. "Inazumi said.

He smirked and seemed almost manic to Izuku. His peppered hair fell from his usual slick back style to lay across one side of Inazumi's face as he looked across at them. Izuku knew there was no way to convince this man to leave them alone. He would continue to hunt them down.

"You don't even know the full extent of what she can do." Inazumi said.

Izuku was tense as he glanced back at Chieko, who was shifting in her unconscious state. He was thankful to Shinso as the boy leaned over Chieko, prepared to put himself between her and Inazumi should the need arise.

"I know though...... what she can really do. Our sessions together were very productive in bringing out her true potential. She would be more resourceful to the people and the heroes if she stayed with me, where I could put her to good use. "Inazumi said.

Kacchan's teeth ground together, a low growl coming up from his chest. His palms crackled with tiny explosions of frustration.

"You really believe the bullshit you're spouting out of that pathetic mouth of yours dontcha." Kacchan said.

Inazumi's eyes tightened at the insult but didn't respond as he stared at them. His eyes shifted between each one as if searching for something. When Inazumi's leering gaze lingered too long on Miyahara, all three boys moved closer to keep her shielded behind them, while Shinso shifted her closer to him.

Inazumi noticed their reaction, so he focused on Izuku as he changed tactics, his voice almost pleading for them to understand his side of things.

"You know it's true, one way or another, someone will find a way to take her away from you, but this may be your only chance to get your mother back, so why not give her to me? I can protect Ms. Miyahara here. "Inazumi said.

"Have you fallen so far since the villains won or did you always see people this way?" Izuku asked.

Inazumi's brows furrowed; he didn't seem to understand Izuku's question. Izuku took a step forward, and Inazumi looked at him in suspicion as he hurried back, dragging Hatsume with him.

Izuku stopped, but he didn't break contact with Inazumi as he said his piece to the man. Izuku knew he couldn't give Chieko to him, and even as his heart broke inside his chest at the thought of never seeing his mother again, Izuku knew he was making the right choice. He just wished it didn't hurt so much.

"Miyahara isn't just her quirk, she isn't an object for others to use for their benefits. She is a person. A human being who bleeds like the rest of us. She feels joy and she feels pain. She has dreams and her life is her own. So why does she have to be forced to forfeit her freedom for the good of everyone else's!?" Izuku asked.

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