Chapter 9

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The next day Kacchan and Izuku requested their time off from volunteering and decided to use their morning to search for Izuku's mom.

Their first stop was Officer Ito, who was directing the plans for a new garden outback. It was an excellent start to making the hospital self-sufficient, and Officer Ito had mentioned his hopes to have edible food growing by spring.

"Hello Officer Ito." Izuku said.

"Midoriya, Bakugou are you here to help with the agriculture project?" Officer Ito asked.

Izuku waved while Kacchan nodded in greeting. The boys chose to stand a bit away from the group. It consisted of a mixture of police officers and volunteers who were in the middle of their research to decide the best vegetables to grow. It wasn't the best time of years since they were in the autumn season moving into winter. Still, some of the more experienced members had stated it was the best time to prepare.

"No, we actually took the day off to see if you had any news about my mom?" Izuku asked.

Officer Ito nodded; already familiar with Izuku's concerns, he let his group take a break while he opened his tablet to check for any updates from the other leads. The police force was a small group in comparison to what it once was. Izuku found out there were about a hundred police officers assigned at the hospital while there were only about twenty or so heroes. So Detective Tsukauchi had split his officers into groups of twenty-five and had appointed his four most trusted colleagues to manage them. Officer Ito had been one of those leaders tasked to organize the officers with the added assignment of assisting Izuku with anything he may need when Detective Tsukauchi wasn't available. This was often the case since the Detective was often busy with other matters, so Izuku has become well acquainted with Officer Ito.

"Well our blue team reported they had seen a woman matching your mom's description on the top floors. I'm not sure what she would be doing up there unless she was volunteering with our inventory crew or helping with the elderly two floors down, but its worth a look." He said.

Izuku smiled and thanked the officer before they headed out in search of his mom. The boys split up after reaching the elevators, each going to their first stop.

Izuku didn't have much luck on the first floor he checked, Officer Ito had stated the inventory crew used it, but it looked more like a disorganized storage room. Assortment of supplies and random medical equipment were abandoned here from the other floors to make room.

As chaotic as the floor looked, it did seem the new inventory crew was working towards organizing the area. Izuku went through the rows of tables piled with different categorized items like blankets, clothes, and even utensils. It looked like most were scavenged from nearby neighborhoods. Izuku shared his mom's picture, but no one had seen her around, so once Izuku had checked with every person, he decided to wait for Kacchan on his floor before moving on to the next.

"Any Luck?" Kacchan said.

Izuku, leaning back on the wall across from the elevators, turned to Kacchan walking towards him. Izuku shook his head, the disappointment evident on his face.

"No luck. I think we'll do one more floor each before we call it for today. I want to talk to Inasa before he goes on his shift in the hero's wing." Izuku said.

Izuku agreed to meet with Kacchan in the lobby afterward. Izuku took the elevator and found the floor he was looking to search. There were rows of beds covered only by the sheets hung to provide privacy to their patients. The elderly here needed more care than those in the lobby, so they had their own staff of volunteers made up of nurses and caregivers.

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