Chapter 30

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Avoiding Kacchan wasn't something Izuku meant to do, but it their busy schedules had kept them apart since that night in the hallway. Their routine settling into the awkwardness that Izuku was sure was his own fault.

Izuku buried his head deeper into the rough fabric of his futon, the morning light already peaking through the large windows of their room, but he wasn't ready to move just yet as the ache of training seeped deep in his bones.

He had been pushing himself especially hard the last few days, but it helped to keep his mind off of that night. He was at a loss for what Kacchan said.

The others were already up and moving around him and Izuku sighed deep as he pushed through the lethargic fuzz to sit up. His arms protested as he propped himself up to watch as the others chatted around him. He could hear Chieko and Hatsume behind the privacy curtain they had made to allow them to get dressed in their room. Izuku's group stayed away from the dressing rooms Aizawa mentioned.

Not that they didn't trust the school, they just preferred staying close by.

The soft smell of toasted bread wafted from the other end of the room, where his mom was making them a simple breakfast to get them started for the day. She was already sipping on the tea that Chieko made for her every day.

"Izuku you ready to get up?" Inko asked.

"Yeah, just a moment."

Izuku got up and after a quick change of clothes, he pressed a small peck against his mother's cheek as he sat down next to her, toast already laid out in front of him with a bit of butter.

"Katsuki, would you like breakfast?" Inko asked.

"Nah, I'll grab something from the cafeteria with the others." Kacchan said.

The other boy was out before Izuku could even look. The sliding of their door heard above the chatter. Izuku's teeth clenched in response.

Knowing now what Kacchan thought. Did it change anything? Did it even matter if Kacchan didn't think they would have been friends?

Maybe he had deluded himself. Things had been good between them before they had reached U.A. They had been mending the frayed edges of their friendship again and there had even been that moment on the roof of the shed.

It had to mean something.


Or maybe this was Kacchan's true feelings? He wanted more than survival.

"Zuku? You ready to go?" Chieko asked.

Izuku stood from their small dining table in the room, bland toast still sitting untouched, but Izuku smiled as he passed the simple breakfast over to Denki, who took it without hesitation.

"Yeah, let me get my bag and we can head out." Izuku said.

As they walked down the hallways, Chieko caught him up on her lessons with Nurse Shun. She eagerly learned from the older man and Izuku got joy in watching her.

"You and Baku still haven't made up?" Chieko asked.

The change in topic made Izuku stumble in his steps.

"Wha... What do you mean? Me and Kacchan are fine." Izuku said.

Chieko's left brow raised as if asking if he really expected her to believe that. Izuku let out a breath, his shoulders dipping lower as he looked away from Chieko, who was watching him.

"That obvious?" Izuku asked.

"Were the two of you trying to hide it?" Chieko asked.

He wasn't sure what to say to that. He wasn't sure what was really going on between them, but Aizawa's rang towards them from across the hall, making them both turn in his direction, thus saving Izuku from having to respond.

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