Chapter 22

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They had worked through their plans as best as they could, and they decided it was time. They needed what they had left of the battery packs.

Izuku motioned for Hatsume to take his mom and Chieko upstairs to watch over them. They gave Inasa control of their spies to help upstairs, since Hatsume could no longer stay by her monitors.

"Everyone, don't forget your earpieces. I need everyone to keep in touch." Izuku said.

Everyone responded in confirmation that it linked them as they walked their separate ways.

As Izuku and Kacchan prepared themselves, the floodlights outside went out, casting the house into darkness. Izuku switched the emergency flashlights they had stored, placing them around the room. It wasn't much, but it would help to light up the living area. Hatsume had taken the rest of the lights.

There was an eerie pause as the house settled into its quietness. Izuku could hear the movements of Denki and Shinso as they continued to move towards the house to sneak into the back alley as their first attack.

"Shinso, are you two in position?" Izuku said.

There wasn't an immediate response as Izuku waited with bated breath for everything to begin.

"Almost." Shinso said.

The two boys had the most tense part of their plan. If Denki and Shinso incapacitated the two in the back alley than their numbers would lower. It could even out their chances of overpowering them, but if they lost, then it would be over for them.

"Inasa?" Izuku asked.

"The two on the roof have made no movements, yet." Was Inasa's immediate response.

Kacchan shifted, stretching his arms to get the blood and sweat flowing through to be ready for his turn. It distracted Izuku when Shinso's voice came through the earpiece, his voice patronizing the two men outside.

"Hey, you two must be the losers of the group, huh?" Shinso said.

There's a muffled voice. One of them must have responded because Denki was straight up, taunting the other with glee.

"Got him." Shinso's smug voice reported.

"What the hell!?" Denki's voice shouted and Izuku's head lifted in alarm. "The other one has some kind of rodent quirk! He's inside."

"You idiots were supposed to keep them outside!" Kacchan shouted.

"What did you expect me to do? He was so fast and small!" Denki replied.

If one got inside, then they either planned to come their way or the bigger threat would be them going upstairs. Izuku turned ready to move towards the back rooms when the front door explodes spraying pieces of wood their way. One of Hachiro's spikes had pierced through the wood lodged mid way.

"Inasa! Find the one that got inside. If he's small, then maybe you can stop him!" Izuku ordered.

"On it!" Inasa said.

Hachiro's voice filtered through the door, close and taunting, as he pressed up against the wood so that they could hear him.

"Midoriya." Hachiro says. "You're making this harder than it needs to be."

"Hey Reflections is gone and his partner looks to be headed to the back alley. Kaminari, Shinso keep your guard up. It looks like he has some kind of sand quirk." Inasa warns.

"Everyone keep an eye out for the mirror guy. I bet he found a way inside." Kacchan orders.

"It wasn't very nice attacking my men like that." Hachiro taunts through the entrance.

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