Chapter 40

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The hallway outside Aizawa's office was dimly lit, flickering lights casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air was tense, heavy with anticipation, as Izuku stood before the door, his hand raised but hesitant to knock. Beside him, Katsuki stood firm, a stoic presence, while Chieko fidgeted nervously, her anxiety palpable in the silence.

Izuku whispered to himself, "We need to do this. For Eri."

Katsuki's voice cut through the tension, unyielding. "Get on with it, Deku."

Taking a deep breath, Izuku knocked on the door. The sound echoed ominously in the quiet corridor.

Inside, maps, files, and survival gear cluttered Aizawa's office. Aizawa hunched over a table, analyzing reports under minimal lighting, which only added to the somber atmosphere. He looked up, his eyes narrowing as he saw the trio.

"What is it?" Aizawa's tone was curt, reflecting his constant state of alertness and the frustration bred by the ongoing chaos.

Izuku took a step forward, his voice steady but heavy with the gravity of their secret. "We need to talk to you about something important... It's about the girl we've been searching for, Eri."

Aizawa straightened, a flicker of surprise in his eyes quickly replaced by suspicion. "Go on."

Izuku glanced at Katsuki and Chieko, drawing strength from their presence. "We've... we've been hiding her. She's here at the school."

Aizawa's expression shifted from surprise to anger, his fists clenching. "You've been hiding her? Here?"

Aizawa's voice rose, filled with a mix of anger and disappointment. "Do you realize the risk you've put everyone in? This is beyond reckless, Midoriya."

Izuku's hands clenched at his sides as he tried to stay calm. "I know it was risky, but we weren't sure who to trust and she was in danger."

Chieko's anxiety was visible—her hands trembled slightly, and she avoided Aizawa's intense gaze. Izuku noticed her discomfort and felt a pang of sympathy.

Aizawa took a deep breath, his anger simmering down to a stern resolve. "You've put us all in a difficult position, but what's done is done. Show me where she is. We need to ensure her safety and figure out our next steps."

Relief washed over Izuku as he nodded. "Thank you, Aizawa. We'll take you to her now."

Izuku and Chieko had repurposed the small storage room within the school to hide Eri. Cluttered with old school supplies, discarded furniture, and boxes, creating a makeshift haven behind a stack of crates.

Izuku led the way, as they stepped inside; the room feeling smaller with each person who entered. "She's here," Izuku said softly, his voice a mix of caution and reassurance.

Navigating through the boxes and stacked furniture, they finally reached the hidden area where Eri peeked out, her wide eyes filled with a mix of fear and curiosity.

Aizawa's stern expression softened upon seeing Eri. He crouched down to her level, his voice gentle, an unexpected contrast to his usual demeanor. "Hey there, Eri. My name is Aizawa. You don't have to be afraid. I'm here to help keep you safe."

Izuku watched as Eri's grip on the box tightened, her small body trembling slightly. A protective surge welled up in him, a deep need to reassure her.

Chieko stood close to Eri, her body angled protectively. Izuku could see the tension in her posture, her eyes flickering with a mix of fear and defiance.

'Chieko's been through so much. Seeing her so defensive, even now, hurts to watch,' he thought.

Aizawa maintained a steady, calming presence. "I promise, Eri, no one will hurt you here. We'll protect you from Chisaki and anyone else who tries to harm you."

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