Chapter 41

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Entering Aizawa's office, Izuku felt a wave of tension wash over him. People crowded the dimly lit room, each wearing a grim expression. Kacchan walked beside him, his usual fiery demeanor subdued, while Chieko lingered slightly behind, her anxiety palpable.

Izuku exchanged a glance with Kacchan, who gave a subtle nod, a silent affirmation of their readiness. Chieko, trying to steady her nerves, gave Izuku a small, encouraging smile. He took a deep breath and focused on Aizawa, who stood at the head of the room, commanding attention.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Aizawa began, his voice low but authoritative. "We have a serious threat that requires immediate action."

Izuku's mind raced, recalling Chisaki's terrifying quirk and the danger it posed. Aizawa's next words pulled him back to the present. "Chisaki has made it clear that he won't hesitate to go to war with the school to find out if Eri is really with us. While he hasn't attempted to enter the school yet, his threat is real and imminent."

The room buzzed with tension, heroes exchanging worried glances. Izuku noticed Denki's usually carefree demeanor was subdued, while Shinso listened intently, fists clenched. Aizawa raised a hand to regain their attention. "While we can't ignore this threat, we have received recent intel confirming that Chisaki possesses at least three doses of a potentially permanent quirk-erasing drug, Hiroshi."

He gestured to a hero standing to his right.

The hero, a short man with dark hair and a serious demeanor, nodded. "I was able to confirm this information thanks to the layouts provided by Aizawa," he explained. "However, I'm curious about the origins of this intel."

Aizawa's gaze hardened slightly. "The source prefers to remain nameless for now. That's all you need to know," he said, cutting off any further questions. Izuku felt a surge of relief, echoed in the expressions of Kacchan and Chieko. Aizawa was honoring their choice to keep Eri a secret.

Chieko sighed in relief, her grip on Izuku's shirt tightening as she heard Aizawa avoiding any mention of Eri directly. He placed a reassuring hand over hers, sharing her sense of relief.

"The existence of these doses changes our priorities a bit," Aizawa continued, refocusing the room. "If we can retrieve these drugs, we have a real chance to bring down All For One and Shigaraki. We cannot let this opportunity slip by."

Midnight, her face showing concern, raised her hand. "Are we going to delay the search for the girl, Eri, because of this?"

Aizawa nodded. "For now, yes. Chisaki has escalated his threat level. We need to divert his attention and hit him where it hurts. A frontal attack on his headquarters will draw him away from here and give us a chance to secure the drugs."

Izuku leaned toward Kacchan, whispering, "This sounds really risky."

Kacchan nodded, his eyes fixed on Aizawa. "Yeah, but it might be our best shot."

Murmurs of dissent rose among the heroes, echoing Izuku's concern. "This plan is risky," Hiroshi voiced, a hint of skepticism in his tone. "We can't underestimate Chisaki or the potential fallout of this attack."

Aizawa's eyes scanned the room, his expression unwavering. "I understand the risks. But doing nothing is far more dangerous. Chisaki will not stop until he has achieved his goals. We need to take the fight to him instead. Drawing Chisaki away from the school will make it safer for the residents here."

Denki whispered to Shinso, "This is going to get ugly."

Shinso nodded, his face grim. "But it's better to go on the offense."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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