Chapter Nine: Heart to Heart

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Three weeks later

The last couple weeks had been long but there were no more surprise visits from the tall man. Ace had dove nose first into this case trying to find any leads to no avail. Which to my dismay seemed to take up all of his time. After our late night the night of my crash he seemed to pull away. Like he was putting distance between us. He built up all these walls and barriers that I didn't stand a chance trying to tear down.

So I pulled away too. I spent more time doing my own research. With Ryan's help I was able to dig deeper into the past of the Women In White. With Ace being distant it meant my newly found group of friends would be attached to his hip instead of mine. I ached for him but as it had been ingrained in my head, a Hudson never begs. Some things never change I suppose.

I felt a breeze as the door closed behind me. November in Horseshoe Bay had proven to be colder than Charleston. The wind nearly blowing the cashmere beanie off my head. I clutched my beige trenchcoat closer to my body before making my way to the rental car I was given. I wasn't sure where I was going but it had never been about the destination. Ace had told me about a scenic spot on the bluffs that he had come across on his many adventures. My phone began to buzz and I accepted the call.

"Hey, Nance. What's up?"

"We found a ritual but it requires you to be there. Ace was adamant on keeping you out of this till we figured everything out, but ironically we can't do this without you." I glanced into the rear view mirror and noticed a car following close behind.

"Yeah, for sure. Uh, can I call you back?" I pulled off to the side of the road letting the car pass to which they obliged. I dialed Nancy's number again and she answered on the third ring.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just a false alarm. Where is this ritual taking place?" I pulled back onto the main road.

"It says we need to go to the spot where his life ended. So the burned down barn. Can you meet us there tonight? It needs to be done by midnight." I nodded as if she could see me. "Kie?"

"Yes, yes. I'll meet you there. I just have a couple stops I need to make first." I ended the call and pressed down harshly on the gas. The trailer park was empty when I arrived. I parked my car and walked up to the one that had the same number as the address I had written down. The door opened just as I had raised my hand to knock.

"You must be Kiara." The woman was just a bit taller than me and had black hair flowing passed her shoulders. "Come in." I took in the small trailer as I stepped passed her. "Thank you for coming. I, uh, just got back from a trip and I found your texts in my boyfriend's phone." I raised my eyebrows before spinning around to look at her.

"Listen, I only text-"

"Ace is my boyfriend." My stomach dropped at her words. "He came over last night and while he was showering I saw a text of yours come through. I read through your thread, I'm so sorry by the way." I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.

"What do you suppose I do?" She took a moment before answering.

"You, uh, you are the other woman." I scoffed. "I mean that in the most respectful way because I know you didn't know about us."

Cursed (Ace x OC) - Nancy Drew (under revision)Where stories live. Discover now