(A/N) [The Ones at the Beginning are Important, Please Don't Skip)

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Hey Guys! I've been watching some Invader Zim recently and I like all the characters a lot. But the one character I kin and LOVE more than ANYTHING is Dib.
(Not my Cover)
I have a few thing to say before we get into the actual reading!

I refuse to write smut/lemon about a twelve year old boy. That's a big no no. I am an asexual, and I fell extremely uncomfortable writing that kind of fan fiction. If that's what you're here for, please leave. And WHY ARE YOU READING SMUT/LEMON ABOUT A TWELVE YEAR OLD BOY?-

2. I am not accepting requests at this time.
I may start accepting them, but not until the main story is completed.

3. The schedule may be a bit off
I have to go to a prison- like facility called Skool. I may not be able to post on a regular basis.

4. Some chapters may be short
I sometimes suffer from a chronic disease called Writer's Block, and may not be able to complete a long chapter. (See Rule 3)

5. The gender of (Y/N)
When I make a X Reader fan fiction, (Y/N) is gender- neutral. The reason for this is so anyone can easily immerse themselves in the fanfic, and the reader demographic will not be limited to one gender identity.

6. Ages
The characters will be slightly older than the cannon ages, so this goes with [1]

7. No Suicide/ Depression/ Self Harm
I will not write about suicide/self harm/ depression due to my experience with them. They make me extremely uncomfortable to write them.

That's all I have for now to say! Please enjoy the fan fiction!

(289 Words)

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