Chapter 10

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My parents were still out of town and Gaz refused to let Dib back inside, so he stayed with me. She, luckily, had dropped off some of his clothes. "Hey, (Y/N), I was wondering if you wanted to go to the diner down the street later." How could I say no? "Sure." We watched TV for an hour, so we would get to the diner at about 10:00. We exited the house, locking the door behind us. We linked arms as we made our way to the diner. We saw Zim (Remember him?) walking with GIR. GIR ran toward me and held up a nacho "Do you want one?" He asked me. "No thank you, GIR. Thank you for the offer, though." Zim ran up to us and picked up GIR. "I thought you WEREN'T mates." Zim looked confused. "That was like, a month ago?"

We finally arrived at the diner, where I noticed Gaz sitting near the back. We sat at a booth. Luckily, the diner wasn't very crowded. Dib really does listen. "Close your eyes, (Y/N)." I did as I was told, overflowing with excitement. "Now, open them." I looked in front of me to see a red rose, with beautiful, waxy petals. The thorns were removed from the bright green stem. "Oh, Dib! It's lovely!" He put his hand behind his neck. "Thanks." I looked at Gaz. She was staring at us. She had a SMILE on her face. She was genuinely smiling. Even though I've never been on a date before, it's the best one so far. We finally exit the diner. "So, how was it?" Dib had a hopeful look on his face. I gave him a thumbs-up.

We made it back to my house at about 1pm. Dib and I went to my bedroom. "Do you wanna watch a movie, Dib?" He agreed, so I began to go through a box. I pulled out a small projector. It was blue and white. It was a little bit bigger than my hands. I placed it in front of an open wall and closed the curtains. Dib and I had agreed on a horror movie. I sat beside him on my bed, taking in the moment. I wasn't even watching the movie. I was taking in his features, more than I had before. His hair was black with a shiny raven sheen and his brown eyes gleamed with excitement. I leaned closer to him, if that was even possible. He noticed I was staring at him, so he looked at me. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" He must have thought something was wrong. I shook my head. I touched his face. It became red. How cute. "Wow..." I mumbled. We stared into each other's eyes. It sounds so corny, right? Dib put his hand on my face, which became warm. He pulled me into his arms. He wrapped his coat around me, enveloping me in it. I began to feel tired. I was so comfortable.

I woke up to Dib grabbing his things. There was a price of paper laying on my bed side table. He must have thought I would wake up later. "Where are you going?" I said, groggily. "Dad is going to be back in about fifteen minutes, I've got to be back home before then." He came toward me and gave me a hug. He was about to pull back when I kissed him. "Bye, Dib. Love you." His face became extremely flushed. "L-Love you t-too. He exited my room and left my house. I decided to go back to sleep, but it was difficult. It was about 7:30 in the morning, and it was a weekend, so it would have been easy on any other occasion. I had grown used to Dib sleeping in my bed, though it had only been three days. I hugged my pillow in attempt to slumber once more. I ended up being successful. I dreamed of my boyfriend and my best friend, Dib Membrane.


[676 Words Excluding (A/N)]

     Hey, guys! I just wanted to say "thanks" for sticking along for this cringe ride. I do hope you had fun, though. Don't kill the part of you that's cringe, kill the part that cringes.

     Hey, Bad443 . If you're reading this, it means you've reread this story. Again. Thanks for doing so. It makes me really happy to look at one of my friends to see them reading my work.  I'm not stopping any time soon (I hope), so buckle up.

Thank you everyone, for reading my first work,  ~•>My Best Friend<•~ <3

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