Chapter 1

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                                 (Y/N) POV

     I grabbed one of the small boxes we managed to fit in our small car. I walked through the door of our new house and set them down on the floor. My mother and father had moved here for a job. My father is a truck driver, while my mother is a college professor. She is a major of science. My mother found a job at a college far from our home. My father is not limited to one place, as he travels around the country anyway.

     "We" decided it would be the best idea to move. I hadn't liked the idea from the start. I had friends at my old school. We all had our differences, but we had one common interest- the Paranormal. We would always go into abandoned "murder" houses together looking for ghosts. We kept journals of our experiences. We had folders on different places and things. My mother, however, decided that I should be focused on "real science." "You're 14 years old, (Y/N). You need to start doing normal things with your time." My mother had told me. Luckily, I am a terrible listener when it comes to the word "science."

      I had finished the process of carrying in my share of boxes when my parents set it upon me to meet the neighbors. "There might be some kids your age around." My father said. I began to walk about the street. I was to anxious to talk to the neighbors. It would have been easy. All I would have to do is ring the doorbell of a house and introduce myself. I've never been able to talk to new people, but my parents always tried to force it on me.

     I had managed to find a park near the center of town. I found a comfortable looking bench beside a tree and sat there. I put in some earbuds and closed my eyes. I could finally be alone. I sat on the bench, feeling the breeze blow through my (H/L) (H/C) hair. I took a few deep breaths. I sat there for about thirty minutes. There was a sense of calm that washed over me.

     I felt someone tap my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked up to see a boy about my age. I took out my earbuds so I could hear him. "Hello." The boy said. "I haven't seen you around here before." He stood in front of me. I motioned for him to sit down. He sat beside me. "I've actually just moved here." The boy looked surprised. "I was wondering who moved in next door. I'm Dib, Dib Membrane." He extended his hand. I took it. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." He shook my hand. "So... Do you  have any interesting hobbies?" I asked him, hoping we would have something in common. He sat there for a moment. He seemed hesitant to share. He looked me., then spoke. "I'm really interested in the paranormal... How about you?" I was surprised. I didn't think we would have THAT in common. People had always thought my friends and I were weird. "I'm also a paranormal enthusiast." I said to him. His face got a little red. "Huh, that's a new one." He mumbled. My phone chimed. I had gotten a text from my dad. 'Hey kiddo, it's getting late. Time to come home.' "Well, Dib, it's been nice talking to you. I've got to be getting home." "Oh. I could walk with you if you want. I should be getting home too, and we'll be going in the same direction." I agreed and we began the walk home.

     As we walked, we talked about things we were interested in. He told me about some kid named Zim. He was convinced he was an alien. I didn't believe him at first. He showed me a photo of him. He was an odd shade of green. He had no nose or ears. There were two extremely large eyes on his face. "I think you might be right, Dib." He told me about how Zim had planned to take over the planet Earth. "He does have a weakness to water, it burns his skin." We finally arrived at his house and we parted ways. The way he spoke about things was interesting. He was confident and excited. He was an extremely good listener as well.

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