Chapter 3

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I wasn't sure if I was right or not. Now I'm certain. Dib has a HUGE crush on (Y/N). When Zim suggested Dib and (Y/N) were dating, he started to blush. He became so red they thought he was sick. Dang, he's really falling hard. He only met this person yesterday. days ago. I know he likes them, it's just a task of getting him to admit it.


I was in my room texting (Y/N) when Gaz walked in. "There's this new thing called 'knocking.' You should try it sometime." I said sarcastically. "Cut it lover boy." She sat on my bed and stared at me. "What do you want, Gaz?" She stared at my phone. I turned it off. "Admit it, you like them. My face got warm. That's been happening a lot recently. "I've only known them for a couple of days, Gaz." "You're not denying it." I just looked at her. "Look, Dib, it's really obvious. I felt my face get warmer. "I-it is?" "Yes, very obvious. My phone signaled that I had a message. Gaz smirked at me. I picked up my phone to see it was another text from (Y/N). They were trying to convince me that GIR was the cutest thing on the planet. Gaz was watching my phone. "Think about what you're about to say, Dib." "GIR could be-" "No Dib." She grabbed my phone from my hand. I tried to get it back, but eventually gave up. She began typing. I was terrified of what she could be saying to (Y/N). She returned my phone. "I just got you a date at Starbooks. You OWE me." " I looked to see the following conversation.

Dib: "Hey (Y/N)
(Y/N): What's up?
Dib: I was wondering if you would go to Starbooks with me this Saturday
(Y/N): Sure, I don't have anything going on
(Y/N): Around 3?
Dib: Sure

"D-did you j-just..." I was surprised. "Yes, brother dearest." She patted my head. "Now, I'm thinking pizza. On you."


I was in my living room texting Dib when my mother looked at my phone. "Just WHO are you talking to?" She must have thought I was talking to some stranger. "Dib." I said plainly. "And who's Dib?" "He's a school friend." I continued typing. She watched me reply to his messages. He asked me to go to Starbooks that Saturday. She looked at me in surprise. "You can go, if you want." She had answered my question before I had even asked it. "Thanks, mother." "So, tell me about Dib." She had a specific way she wanted me to tell her things. She wanted the info any normal mother would. "Dib Membrane. 14 years old. I know him personally. Yes, I have met him in person. I met him at the park yesterday.." She seemed satisfied. "Well, I'm glad you've managed to make friends so quickly. Is he cute?" I felt my face growing warm. He is. Brain, can you do me a HUGE favor and not have a crush on my only friend?

(527 Words)

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