Chapter 4

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Today is Saturday, which means I have my outing with (Y/N). We agreed that I would pick them up and we would walk to the Starbooks together. I wore my usual outfit. "You'd better bring me a latte, Dib." She said. I rolled my eyes. I made my way to the next house. I knocked on the door, and was answered by (Y/N). "H-hey, (Y/N). A-Are you ready?" "Yeah. Hey father, I'm going out now!" They walked out the door, closing it behind them. We chatted while we walked. My phone buzzed. I looked to see Gaz had messaged me. 'How's it going, lover boy?' I ignored it and we kept walking.

When we entered the Starbooks, they grabbed my jacket sleeve. They had an anxious look on their face. "Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. "Y-yeah, just a little crowded." We ordered our drinks. I ordered an iced tea while (Y/N) ordered (F/D). They were tense while we were inside, so we sat at one of the outside tables. We made small talk until they got a phone call. They looked at their phone. "Do you mind if I?-" They asked. "Go ahead." They turned and answered their call. "Hello? Wha- What?- It's not a- Gaz, can we not right now?" They were starting to blush. "I've got to go. Bye, Gaz." They hung up. "Was Gaz annoying you, (Y/N)?" I asked them. They shook their head. We drank our beverages in silence for a moment. They looked as though they wanted to say something, but didn't.

It started getting dark, so we decided to walk home. I dropped them off at their house. When I walked into mine, Gaz was waiting for me. "How was your date?" She had a playful look on her face. "I-it wa-wasn't a date." Why have I been doing this so much? "Sure, Dib. Tell me about it." She motioned for me to sit on the couch. I sat beside her. I didn't say anything. "Diiiiib. Tell me." Why did she care so much? Why wasn't she being as rude as usual. "If I humor you, will you leave me alone?" "Yes. Definitely. Absolutely." She was leaning toward me. "It was... nice. As you know, we went to Starbooks." She didn't say anything she usually does.


It's Saturday, which means I'm going to Starbooks with Dib. I wore a grey turtleneck sweater with black pants and black tennis shoes. "Be back by midnight." My father said, jokingly. I texted Dib to make sure he could still come. He said he would stop by my house to pick me up. I heard a knock at the door and knew it was Dib. I opened the door to see Dib awkwardly standing outside my house."H-hey, (Y/N). A-Are you ready?" "Yeah. Hey father, I'm going out now!" I walked out the door, closing it behind me. We chatted while we walked. Dib looked at his phone, which had buzzed. He ignored it and we kept walking.

When we entered the Starbooks, I grabbed Dib's jacket sleeve without realizing it. I felt really anxious. I've always hated crowded places. Starbooks was very busy that day. "Are you okay?" Dib asked, sounding concerned. "Y-yeah, just a little crowded." Dub let me hold his arm. It was a nice feeling. An almost natural one. We ordered our drinks. Dib ordered an iced tea and I ordered (F/D). I was a little tense while we were inside, so we sat at one of the outside tables. We made small talk until I got a phone call. I looked at my phone. It was Gaz. "Do you mind if I?-" I asked Dib. "Go ahead." I turned and answered the call. "Hello?" "Hey, (Y/N), hows your date with Dib?" Wha- What?- It's not a- "Sure it's not." Gaz, can we not right now?" I felt my face getting warm. "I've got to go. Bye, Gaz." I hung up. "Was Gaz annoying you, (Y/N)?" Dib asked me. I shook my head. We drank our beverages in silence for a moment. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. How did she even get my number?

It started getting dark, so we decided to walk home. I walked into my house to see my parents sitting on the couch. "How was your date?" My dad asked me jokingly. "Pretty good." I walked into my room.

(757 Words)

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