Chapter 6

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A couple of days later, I walked outside to see Gaz and Dib on their way to school. I ran up to Dib and embraced him. He hesitated for a moment, before hugging me back. "H-hey, (Y-Y/N)." I looked at him, and placed my hand on his neck. It was warm. "Are you sure you're better? You feel warm." His face got redder. "Y-yeah, I-I'm b-better now." We let go of each other. Gaz grabbed Dib by the shoulder and whispered in his ear with a smirk. His face was getting extremely red. "A-am not."

We walked to skool, parting ways with Gaz. We walked into Ms. Bitters' classroom to see Zim staring at the door. "Ah, Dib-Thing has returned." He turned to face the front of the class. I leaned toward Dib. "He missed you, believe it or not." I walked to my desk.


I woke up this morning with the option to go to school. My sickness had finally gone away. I got dressed in my usual fashion. Gaz and I walked out the door and past (Y/N)'s house, just as they were walking out the door. When they saw me, they broke into a run. They embraced me, almost knocking me down. I felt my face start to get warm. I stood there for a moment before hugging them back. "H-hey, (Y-Y/N)." They stared at me for a moment, then placed their hand on my neck. It was the easiest way to find out whether or not I was still feverish. My face felt warmer. Why are they so CUTE? "Are you sure you feel better, you feel warm." They looked concerned for me. "Y-yeah, I-I'm b-better now." We let go of each other. Gaz grabbed me by the shoulder and whispered in my ear. "It's obvious you're a simp." My face was somehow warmer. "A-am not." I knew she wasn't wrong, but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of being right.

We walked to skool, finally parting ways with Gaz. When (Y/N) and I walked into the classroom. I saw Zim staring at the door. (Y/N) leaned towards my ear. "He missed you, believe it or not." I walked to my desk. There's no way he missed me, he hates me.

(397 Words)

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