Chapter 5

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I walked outside to meet Dib and Gaz, but Dib isn't there. "Where's Dib?" I asked her. "He's caught something." She said plainly. "He should be fine, though." I've grown to enjoy being around Dib. He's super funny and charming. NO, STOP IT, BRAIN. We talked about video games on our way to skool. The class was quiet without him. Zim looked almost sad that he wasn't there. He came to me at lunch. "Where is Dib-Thing?" "Why do you ask?" I was suspicious. "It is... quiet... without him." He looked... almost sad. "Do you miss him, Zim?" "What? The great ZIM does not miss ANYONE!" He ran away from me. That was... odd. But then again, it is Zim.

(122 Words. Sorry this chapter was a little short. :])

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