Chapter 9

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I entered my home to see my father sitting on the couch. He was watching a recording of an old football game. He was drinking coffee from a mug I had bought him. It read 'Number 1 Father Figure.' I walked up to my room and layer on my bed. I texted Dib for a bit. We agreed that he would come over to my house at about 4:30, an hour after school let out. We briefly chatted about Zim. We touched more on general paranormal activity. Not everything is about Zim, as he's led himself to believe. I changed into more comfortable clothing, a hoodie with a t-shirt and shorts. I made my way back downstairs to the front door to collect the mail.

If you don't expect anything, you'll never be disappointed. I surely wasn't disappointed when I saw a letter addressed to me from Dib. I thought it was odd, as he could just text me. I separated it from the rest of the mail . I hid the envelope under my sleeve and put the rest of the mail in front of my father, who was eating a late lunch. I made my way to my room, where I could read the letter in privacy. I was very interested. I have no idea why he didn't just text me. It was still nice, nonetheless. I opened the envelope and unfolded the price of paper inside.

'Dear (Y/N),
I've wanted to say this for a while now. I didn't have the courage to just say this to you in person, or even text you, so I've written this letter. You've always been so kind to me, and you're an amazing person. You don't call me crazy or ridicule me. You're the greatest friend I've ever had, but I want to be more than your friend. I wanted you to know. I just hope your view of me won't change after this.

Dib Membrane'

Did he really write this? I got a text from Dib, telling me he had arrived I made my way to the front door, envelope and letter in hand. I opened the door to see Dib. "H-Hey, (Y/N)." He looked at my hand to see his letter. "I-I see y-you g-got my letter." I invited him in. When he came in, my father was doing a job out of town, as is common in his profession.

"So uh... What did you think about it?" I looked at him. "Dib, I really like you too." He looked relieved. Gaz had told me he'd known. Did she try to tell him? Did he just not believe her? "So, (Y/N)?" He looked at me, his face almost the color of blood. "W-Will you be my r-romantic partner?" "Yes. Definitely. Absolutely." I spoke quickly.

He pulled me into his arms in an instant. I could almost hear his heart quickly beating in his chest. I returned the embrace. It was the most comforting feeling. We stood there, in my living room. We let go of each other for a moment. I sat on the couch and invited him to do the same. I, again hugged him tightly. We sat on my couch doing nothing more. My mother then walked into the living room. I was almost asleep. She pulled out her phone and texted someone. At an instant, my phone buzzed. She had texted me. 'I knew you two would be cute together. I'm going out of town for a few days. Stay safe.' I chucked. "Well, ain't that just the way." I suppose we are cute.

I realized I'd fallen asleep, as did Dib. Gaz texted me. 'Hey, is Dib with you?' I told her he was. I said we'd fallen asleep. 'Are you two dating now, or something?' 'No, Gaz, I totally didn't fall asleep hugging Dib either.' I replied sarcastically. 'You can keep him, dad's out of town for a couple of days. I'll let him know I'm locking the doors.' I heard Dibs phone ring. He woke up and answered it. Apparently, Gaz wasn't kidding about locking him out.

"You can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." I said, getting up. "No, I'll sleep on the couch." We argued over who would get the bed until one of us suggested we both get the bed. We went upstairs and climbed in. It was getting late. It was about 12:00 am. I laid there for a moment. Dib had already fallen asleep. He grabbed me and pulled me close to his chest. I was surprised. His embrace was comforting. I hugged him back.

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