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Two weeks later

Amala's POV

Lately bria been acting weird towards us including o'shea. Last week he said something about Jerry and Eric. They ate lobsters and fancy food while everyone else ate hamburgers and stuff. I don't have a problem nor do I care because I buy my food.

I decided to take my best friend Deena with me since she's going through some pressure. She wants to tell o'shea but his miserable ass keeps avoiding her and getting into minor arguments with the group.

It's a day before I leave for the big tour. Today I'm filming my music video for 'Rule'.

Of course my mother didn't approve of how my ass was hanging out in the back of the suit but I didn't care it's my video not hers.

Instead of asking Yella I made Lorenzo drop me at my location. I can drive a car it's just that I don't want to borrow anyone's car and crash it so I'll keep asking for rides until I can buy myself one.

Lorenzo picked me up at my house and I got in. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "You nervous?" He asked me still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Not really cause this is my third music video." I replied before looking through the window.

"You know you are very successful. When I was 18 all I did was write raps. Never been on stage thanks to eazy I know how it feels to be loved worldwide." He chuckled

"Sometimes Eric doesn't act like a mentor to be honest. He's so immature sometimes." I sighed.

"That's Eric for ya."

Bria's POV

"Miss Maraj, Mr Wright has been calling you?" My assistant shanae informed me as I stepped out of my car.

"Thanks, I'll call him later." I smiled with a closed mouth and walked into the studio only to see the womanizer himself.

"Long time don't see. I've missed you." He said while sitting in front of the equipments.

"Um chile anyways so....where is everybody?" I asked completely ignoring him.

"They ain't here yet." He replied with a attitude and I smirked, knowing that I'm pushing his gear.

"How long before they get here?" I asked before sitting across from him, cutting my ten.

"About three hours from now." He replied before getting up and walking towards me. I look up at him through my lashes and he grabbed my chin.

I scoffed and slap his hand away. I got up to leave but he snatched by my wrist. "Bria stop motherfucking playing with me."

I giggled before saying. "What you gon do bout it bitch."

"You don't want to know what I do to people who play with me." He mumbled leaning into my face.

"Eric let go off my wrist." I said while trying to release myself from it.

"I got a question for you. How was o'shea? Was he better than me?" He asked finally letting go off my wrist.

"Is this why you're holding me against the wall for? Some pussy?! Wow you really are a bitch." I chuckled.

"Just answer my damn question." He stressed.

"Fine, since you're so desperate. No he wasn't amazing. Sure he had a long dick but he didn't hit the spot the way you did." I revealed annoyed.

"Aiite, that's good to know." He smirked.

"So can I go now?" I sighed before turning around to leave.

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