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Bria's POV

"Where the fuck is jerry?" Eric sighed in frustration looking out the window of the bus. I was busy eating so when we made eye contact I shrugged. "Imma go look for him."

"Ight baby hurry back." I kissed him goodbye and for a quick second amala was staring. Awww the little bitch is a lil jelly. "Amala!!"

Oh shit what that lil hoe do now chile? "What!?" She stood up from her seat and ran out of the bus. We heard jerry's mouth then her mouth sounds as if they're arguing but for what for though?

I know I shouldn't be spying but this was too juicy to just sit and listen.

"You had no idea they were having a affair?" Eric asked her and even she was as shocked as I was. "You fucking with her momma?" Yella gasped.

"the real question is why yo momma fucking old dirty bastard jerry." Deena said after the long silence making everyone laugh except jerry.

"no offense to you Mr Heller but you ain't it." She chuckled. "Alright that's enough deena. Everyone on the bus." He rolled his eyes at me as Eric walked up in the bus.

Amala's POV

"Why didn't you tell us?" Michel'le asked in a sound of disbelief. "Because I was embarrassed. Plus my mother was a whole hoe before this. I didn't want to go back to those memories." I whispered.

"Oh, oh my bad. You mad at your mom?" deena asked pulling me into her arms

"so mad that I wanna fight her." I said as I smacked my lips.

"Mich on some real shit who you putting your money on?" deena asked Michel'le.

"Definitely amala." She dapped me as I smiled. "My money is on her mom coz amala can't fight." yella said as he walked by. "Neither can you muthafucka!" I shot up from the seat angrily.

"He can be such a jackass sometimes." I shook my head and sat back down.

We fell asleep for I don't know how long but I know I woke up as the bus came to a halt. Deena got up first and Mich helped her out since she's pregnant and all.

Was picking up deena and I stuff which made me the last person to exit the bus. When I turned to do so Eric was standing there.

I sighed in frustration because he makes me so nervous and I get illegal butterflies, meaning I shouldn't be doing all that.

"Amala can we talk?" he said stopping me in my tracks. I smiled and turned to him with a whole ass attitude. "Can't you see my hands are full?"

"I can help-

"Nah I'm good." I cut off then shortly after my bag fell I bent down to pick it up and his hand touched mines, sending that spark back into my body.

I didn't give him a chance to help me I just walked into the hotel lobby. "Girl what took you so lon- oh." deena smirked as Eric came right behind me.

"Nothing happened ight so cut it out." I mumbled before oshea approached us. "I just wanna sleep, don't you dee?"

"Not really." she said yawning. She's definitely wants to sleep. "Go hang with your boys I'll carry her to y'all room." I smiled as she wrapped her arms around my waist for support.

I made it to the room successfully and gave her something to eat then went back to the lobby to party with Michel'le and everyone else except bria.

I made it to the room successfully and gave her something to eat then went back to the lobby to party with Michel'le and everyone else except bria

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