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"You brought a stray cat home Amala?!" My mother yelled at me as she sees me feeding it.

"Mom, chill it's not that serious." I mumbled.

"No, Amala it is serious. Do you remember the last time you found a stray cat and what happened?" She reminded me.

"Yeah yeah, it almost bit my pinky toe off." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Keep rolling them eye balls of yours they're going to be stuck one day." She joked before walking out of my room.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs I sneered at her.

I haven't told her about me becoming rapper as yet because I'm not and plus I also haven't told her that I quit ballet class.

She'll be upset at me for both so might as well wait until I'm mentally prepared to tell her and I will need my father as back up he knows how to tame my mother when she's feral.

Next week I'll be on national TV telling everyone until my mother that I'm going to be famous.

(Bria's POV)

"Hurry up and lock up the studio." I whined as he pulled away from our kiss tell he gotta lock up. I'm like ain't that Jerry's job?

"You have zero patience." He shook his head turning around, grabbing my hand as we got into his car.

"We looking for Aaron tonight?" I asked while buckling my seat belt.

"Nah I wanna take you." He smiled while switching the gear.

I smiled to myself laying back in the car seat wondering where is this man taking me lord? It better be orgasm land cause I haven't had sex in a hot minute and it's driving me crazy.

Because Amala and I been out all day it really tired me out. My eyes felt heavy so I took the time to sleep in the meanwhile.

15 minutes later.

"Bri we're here." He said nudging me my shoulder. I wake up and stretched.

"I'm coming." I yawned before stepping out of the car and following him to his front door. He opened it and switched on his living room lights.

"Wow, I love the new interior. Who helped you design this?" I asked because I know Eric isn't that fashionable and elegant.

"Fuck you mean? I did this by myself." He replied almost offended by it.

"You upgrading I like it."

He went up the stairs as I took a seat on the couch. I got a little bored so I turned on the TV. 'Golden Girls' was on and not going to lie but I like this song. It's funny.

"Ooh we watching this tonight?" He asked before sitting next to me.

I look at him and shrugged. "I guess."

He got up again and went into the kitchen then popped the popcorn. Minutes later he came back with a blanket and bowl of popcorn. I threw the blanket at me and I fetched then fixed it over my body.

We laughed and eventually switched off the TV to share some jokes. He even told me about him used to being a dope dealer. I was never judgemental so I brushed it off. I like them bad anyways.

"What you gon make your stage name?" He asked before cuddling beside me.

I giggled before replying. "Nicki Minaj."

"But you're name's bria make that make sense." He sighed.

"Onika is my middle name so it's Nicki Minaj and that's final." I stated.

"Wouldn't Nicki be a shorters for Nicole?" He asked I confusion.

"Yes but my mom wanted something new and rare for my name and she choose Onika for my middle name."

"OK whatever. So when you go start recording?" He asked.

"Tomorrow duh, plus Amala said she wanted us to collab." I replied excitedly.

"Had she decided what her stage name will be?" He asked while yawning.

"She said sum bout Doja cat I don't know." I replied with a shrug.

"Doja cat what the fuck is that?" He cackled.

"Weed plus cat equal doja cat it's not that hard." I chuckled.

"Whatever but I'm tired so amma head to bed you coming?" He asked before standing to his feet.

Which one though? 😏

"Ye in a minute." I smiled and walked away.

Smut ahead

I waited for about 30 minutes to go up the steps and sneak into his closet and pulled out one of his robes. Motherfucker was knocked out cold that he didn't hear a thing when I slipped into the robe.

I'm now butt ass naked in his black fur robe inside of the bathroom right and super nervous about the outcome. Like how will he react when sees me at dolled up for him.

Just as i thought he was sleeping i looked in the direction of bed and he wasn't on it anymore. What the fuck?! Where is he? I scratched my head in confusion. My mind was all over the place until something grabbed my waist from behind scaring me half to death. I screamed because I thought it was a intruder.

"Eric!!??" I cried out while elbowing the intruder in his chest.

"Bria, it's me so stop hitting me." I hear Eric mumbled.

"Boy is you crazy?!" I yelled at him.

He just laughed and hugged me. "I was just fucking wit ya'."

I calmed and worked up a smile. He smiled back and kissed me then began pulling on the robe. "What you doing in my favorite robe?" He asked sternly and I got nervous. I gulped because his voice became more raspy.

Suddenly I felt him grip my butt. "Usually i would've blasted a fool but since it's your sexy ass amma fuck you instead as a consequence for your actions. " He hissed before pushing towards the bed.

I landed with a soft moan right before he started massaging my clit. "Mmm god."

"You like that shit?" He smirked and I nod weakly.

"Faster please. I wanna cum." I begged and he shook his head.

"So quickly and I haven't even put it in yet?" He chuckled before slipping a finger inside. I squirmed then gripped the sheet.

He bends down and I felt something thick and wet flickering my clit. My eyes began crosses he pumped his finger in and out. "Now amma add two fingers." He said before inserting another.

"Ouuu shit right here." I said through my teeth with a moan.

He went at a pace so I started grinning of his hand chasing my orgasm that was seconds near.

"I'm gonna cum!" I cried before creaming all over his hand.

Panting and sweating. Staring at the ceiling as my vision blurred from how hard I came.

"Hope this thought you a lesson." I hear him laugh before hovering over me and licking his fingers clean.

"Damn you taste good." He said while biting his bottom lip and kissed me.

Because of how weaked out I was. He helped me up on the bed and we cuddled together falling asleep. It didn't take me long to feel drowsy 'cause within minutes I was out cold.

This is my very first sex scene so please rate it from 1/10 in the comments.😝

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