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"What you think bout this one? Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah." I asked while chiming to my mom as I finished writing a few words for my project for Eric.

"They won't take you seriously if you keep saying yeah over and over again." She replied.

She's so right this is Eric we're dealing with here. I can't be having these dumb ass intros.

"Tell you what? How about you start off like that then just finish it off like a Mc?" She suggested and I thought about it.

"Thanks mom you're the best." I said before pecking her on the cheek and sprinting to my room.

As I entered the room my phone rang. I sighed in frustration before picking it up. "Hello?"

"It's Yella, don't come to the studio tomorrow." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? Why?" I asked taking a seat on my bed.

" 'Cause your racist ass step dad assaulted us when you left." He replied.

As soon as he said that I see my step dad walking into my room without knocking. Rude as heck.

"Yella, amma have to call you back." I mumbled through the phone before hanging up.

"First off Richard let me tell you sum!" I yelled while stepping up to him.

"Is this about your brother?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes you pig. You could've killed him!" I shouted before punching him in his chest.

He let out some air after my fist hit his chest then grabbed both of my hands. I wasn't going be trapped so I used my good leg and kicked him in the balls for him to let me go.

He shrieked out falling flat on his ass. Holding on to his sack for dear life. My mother heard the commotion and came running up the stairs.

"Mom it's about time you found out that Richard isn't the neighborhood friendly cop he portrays to be. Instead he's holding innocent youngsters on the street corners because they, he quoted looked suspicious." I said with a crossed arm.

"Is this true Richard?" She asked almost crying.

"Yes but I'm sorry I-"


He got up and went to pack his stuff then left. He didn't have that much clothing.

"I'm so sorry baby." She apologized before hugging me and I pouted.

"Mom, you had no idea."

"I should've known earlier maybe he wouldn't have done that to all those kids." She said turning to head back downstairs.

I watched her walk away before heading back to my room. I need to get this writing started.

2 hours later

Finally I was done. It's 10:45 in the night now so I'll rest up.

I woke up to a knock on my room door. I lift my head up weakly and told her it was opened. "Yella and the boys are here to see you." She winked before leaving.

"They want to see me?" I mumbled to myself while pushing my cover to get out of bed.

I did my morning routine and showered. After showering I dried up and threw on a regular white t shirt with some sweats and my flip flops.

As I enter the living room I see them seated on my couch. "Good morning." I greeted before taking a seat between Dre and Ren. "We changed our minds about you not going to the studio." Eric said sticking his head out so I could see him.

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