The breakthrough

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quick A/N, I'm probably going to stick to third person in the future, I think I write better in that format, tell me what you think once you've seen the chapter, anyways back to the story, also when Gedeon escapes it's around three hundred years before the events of the seven deadly sins story but we will get to that in not too long of a time.

3rd POV

A thousand years after being sealed away

"Do you mind reminding me why you want to seal the majority of my power?" Gedeon spoke, still confused, Zeldris sighed then replied,

"Because of your power, you aren't learning the ways of fighting to the fullest because even without the practise, you still beat us with brute force, but if we seal away your power inside your sword, you can properly master every form of fighting that you need to learn. As much as you might think you have mastered the ways of using the sword, you really haven't, same with hand to hand combat, so, I have sealed your power so you only have half the power level of Derieri, that way the only way you are going to be able to win in training, is skill." Gedeon shrugged still unamused by the fact that his power level was now reduced to a mere twenty-six thousand, he groaned,

"Fine, but what happens if my power level gets stronger through this training? Would I get to keep the extra power?" Gedeon, the teenager asked in curiosity only to be met with a devilish smirk from his father,

"Nope, if you become stronger, it won't just seal the gained power away put a small percentage of your current power as well, if you are gaining power from training, which means you are improving, and the more your skills improve, the less power you need, and you powers won't be returned to you until, you can beat me and Derieri in a fight with a mere power level of five thousand, the fights will be separate of course, one fight with a sword against me, and a fight against Derieri with nothing but your skill in hand to hand combat." The man spoke his smirk growing wider as his son's eyes widen along with most of the commandments,

"B-but isn't that impossible?! You are both masters in your form of combat and you expect him to beat you both whilst being so weak?! Not even all of us commandments could beat you at that level even if we all came together! Never mind just Gedeon!" Galand defended Gedeon, to said boy's surprise, even though Gedeon knew Galand was trying to help, Gedeon couldn't help but feel angry at his lack of confidence in his superior commandment, but before he could speak up, an amused Zeldris responded,

"First of all, unlike you, I have confidence in my son and second of all, such extreme training could be what lets him make his own original skill, a very valuable asset for a member of the ten commandments to have." The leader concluded, realization hit everyone except for the leader himself and Derieri, who was helping with this whole idea,

"You could've told me that in the first place, if I knew that this was to also help me to learn my own true skill then I would've been on board in a heart beat. So, when do we start," Gedeon spoke with a confident smirk, as evil smirks made their ways to Zeldris and Derieri, for once, they could beat the shit out of the prodigy demon.

two hours later...

Gedeon was thrown to the ground yet again, coughing up blood, beaten, cut and bruised. He looked up at his teachers and knew this training was going to be far more hellish than he first thought.

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