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Clay POV

Something was up. Clay could feel it. The whole day he had felt like something was off. For one, he hadn't seen Peril at all today which was weird. She was normally with her friends or in her cave, but today Clay just couldn't find her anywhere. Second, Turtle was acting weird. He was avoiding Clay and wouldn't talk to him beyond "hi". 

Clay was heading to the prey center to get a goat and try to think about where Peril might be when a thought struck him. Of course! Why hadn't he thought of this before! Clay rushed to Peril's cave and started searching. He was searching for Peril's bracelet. It was a present from Turtle for their wedding. It was enchanted so that Peril could turn her firescales on and off at will. It was a wonderful present and Peril always wore it when she went somewhere. He couldn't find it. 

So, that meant that she has gone somewhere. Where could Peril need to go?   Puzzled Clay. Then a thought occurred to him. He recalled Peril saying something about Queen Ruby asking if she could baby sit Cliff. Clay decided to go to the sky palace to find her. 

As he was walking out of Jade Mountain, he ran right into the dragon he was looking for. "Peril!" He exclaimed "Where were you?" Peril looked kind of embarrassed. "Uh...Possibility." Clay was confused "Why were you in Possibility? Don't you hate going there?" Peril looked around nervously. "I can tell you why, but I'd rather do it someplace more... private."  

They found a place that was secluded, and Clay sat down. Peril was pacing and looked unnaturally nervous. "Peril." Said Clay. "Right, I was going to tell you where I've been." Said Peril "Well, it all started two days ago when I was feeling a little sick that morning and so I went to Turtle and Moon to ask them what was up and after Turtle cast a spell, we found out what was making me feel bad." Peril looked hesitant about saying the next part of her story. "And so, I went to the Sky Palace to ask Queen Ruby for advice and what she gave me was really good, so I went to Possibility to clear my head for a while." Clay looked at Peril with a confused expression "Possibility? Aren't there a lot of dragons there who hate you?" Peril nodded "Ruby got me a place to stay there that was really nice! But anyway, the reason why I did all that is because..." Peril took a deep breath before continuing "I'm with egg." She said, "And you're the father." 

Peril POV

She expected Clays face to twist into anger or something like that, but instead his face lit up with joy "Peril! That's wonderful!" He exclaimed "Do you know when they are coming?!" Peril shifted her talons "The doctor said in about two or three months." Clay was grinning from ear to ear. He ran over to Peril and enveloped her in an enormous hug. "I'm going to try to be the best dad ever." He whispered to her. Peril hugged him back and they stayed like that for a while, thinking about their future dragonets.

A little a year later...

Clay POV

"The eggs are hatching!" He heard Peril yell when she came out of their home to greet him. "They are?!" Clay was surprised. He thought they would've had another day or two before the eggs hatched. Peril shot him an impatient look. "Yes! They are hatching! Come on!" She dragged him through the tunnels of their mountain home to the hatchery. When Peril had laid, they had found a big place in Agate Mountain to stay. They had numerous rooms for different purposes. One was their bedroom, another the kitchen, and they had lots of guest rooms. Part of the reason was because of Clay's big family, but they also planned for each of their dragonets to have their own room.

When they got to the hatchery one of the four eggs already had many cracks along the shell. More and more cracks appeared and suddenly a female dragonet tumbled out. She had this glow around her which seemed to get brighter when she spotted her parents. Her scales were a beautiful amber color, and her eyes were as blue as her mother's. She had more of the build of a SkyWing, but there was one thing about her that just screamed MudWing. She was bigger than the average dragonet. The bigwings of her sibs. She moved towards the other eggs and started to crack them open. Peril gasped as a slight smoking smell rose from the eggs. "She has firescales!" She exclaimed reaching for her daughter. Clay held her back. "These are our eggs. I'm fire-proof. They should be fine." Peril watched anxiously as the first helped each one of her sibs hatch. "What are we going to name them?" Clay asked. Peril thought for a moment. "Maybe we should name the firescales Amber. For the color of her scales." "Amber." Said Clay "That suits her." 

Then the next dragonet clawed her way out of her egg. She had the same glow around her as her sister did and her eyes were a warm brown. She looked a lot like her sister. Even their build was almost identical, but she had the same broad snout as a MudWing. "Her name is Pyre." Said Peril "She has this air about her that says just says I Will Burn." Clay agreed. He and Peril had decided that she would decide the names for the female dragonets, and he would decide the names for the males. The third egg cracked, and a dark brown male came out. He was obviously a Sky/Mud hybrid. His wings were huge, and he had a broad snout. His eyes were a fiery mahogany brown and his scales had alternating colors of red and brown. Clay was trying to think of a good name for him when the last dragonet came out.

He was also a male. His scales were a slightly washed-out orange, and he had the same tranquil blue eyes as Peril's brother, Sky. There was almost nothing that made him look like a hybrid. He looked like a SkyWing. But then he opened his wings, and the underside of his wings were a light brown that faded into a gradient with the orange. "I think the brown male should be called Slab." Clay said after thinking about it for a while "And the smallest one should be called Copper." Peril giggled "You're naming our oldest son Slab?" "It was the only MudWing name I could think of that fit him!" Replied Clay. "We should test is Copper is fireproof. Slab hatched from a blood red egg, so we know that he is fireproof, but what about Copper?" Peril nodded and tapped her bracelet three times. That made her firescales burn a little, but not enough to hurt someone. She reached over and lightly tapped Copper on the shoulder. Copper jumped back and whimpered a little. Peril's wings drooped.

"Don't worry. I had Turtle make something for us in case this happened." Clay grabbed one of the boxes of the shelves and opened it. Inside was a small earring made out of ruby that was just the size for a dragonet to wear. Peril looked at the earring in confusion. "The earring is enchanted so that whichever dragon who wears it won't be able to be hurt by any firescales." Clay told her "It will also grow as he gets older so that he can always wear it." Clay gingerly took out the earring and clipped it in Copper's right ear. "Try it now." Clay said. Peril carefully stepped towards her son and held out a talon to him. Copper hesitated. "I'm not going to hurt you now." Said Peril "You can now touch me and not burn." Copper put his front talon in hers and his eyes widened in surprise. "Burble! Squirble flirble squeak!" And he climbed into Peril's talons and fell asleep. 

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