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Tsunami POV

"My egg!!" Tsunami yelled her agony through the tunnels of her dragonet hood home. Tsunami wasn't happy about where they had to raise their dragonets, but Riptide had pointed out that there was no other option. But the secret caves weren't enough to protect her eggs. One of them, the one she had laid a year ago, had been stolen. The sea blue one. Her first dragonet. Gone. Tsunami sobbed into her talons. "It'll be okay." Said Riptide trying to comfort her "We'll find her." Tsunami had taken her eggs to Turtle and had him find the genders. All girls. "I'm a horrible mother!" Wailed Tsunami. She had searched and searched for her lost egg, but to no avail. It was lost. An assassin had taken it. Riptide put his wing around her, and she leaned into him, still sobbing. "I know it's sad. I feel awful too." Said Riptide "But for the sake of our other dragonets we need to focus on protecting them." Tsunami stared out at the sea, churning below them on the ledge the two were on. Tsunami finally let sleep engulf her and slipped into darkness.

A dragon was fleeing through the night, a sea blue egg in his talons. He reached the desert and traveled to the Scorpion Den. The egg he had was worth a lot, if he sold it to the right dragon. An egg from the forbidden SeaWing royalty pair was worth so much that about half of all dragons who would take up the offer did. He reached the entrance of the city and was shocked to find that two dragons guarding the entrance. "State your business." Said the one on the right. "Why should I tell you?" Asked the dragon with the egg. The dragon on the left looked at him with a scornful gaze "This city is under protection by the HRMS." "Ha!" The egg dragon let out a below of laughter. "The HRMS? You're serious?" He asked, "You mean that puny little hybrid rights movement?" The guards narrowed their eyes at the stranger. "What is your name?" Asked the one on the right "Angler." Said the egg dragon. "Well, Angler. All eggs that are to be brought to the Scorpion Den are to be delivered to the orphanage if the dragon who has the egg in its care cannot give proof that they are the real parent, or a parent approved guardian." 

Angler hissed and then shoved his way through the guards. "Intruder!" Yelled the first guard and all the guards gave chase. They pursued him for a while before they cornered their prey. Suddenly, Angler leaped up and, in the process, dropped the egg in a bucket of hay. It rolled of the stack and landed next to two other eggs. One pure white and the other a sandy golden color. A SeaWing egg, a SandWing egg, and an IceWing egg. The SandWing egg began to crack, and a snout poked out.

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