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This was the day. Blue was sure of it. He didn't know why, but it just felt right. The eggs were going to hatch today. Cricket was flitting around like a cloud of bats. They rushed to the hatchery and saw the silhouette of a HiveWing. At first Blue thought it was Bumblebee and then he realized the dragon was to big to be their 10 year old daughter.

Cricket lunged forward, reaching for her eggs, but the HiveWing snatched one up and escaped out the window. Cricket let out a wail of despair, crashing to the floor, and Blue saw a small shape shoot towards the thief. It was Bumblebee. "No!" He yelled. Bumblebee crashed into the dragon. 

The HiveWing pushed her to the side, giving her a quick blow to the head before flying into the desert beyond. Blue heard a crack behind him and saw the other egg hatching. Bumblebee staggered into the hatchery. She had a black eye and one of her wings were bent. Cricket inspected her daughter and grabbed a first aid kit from the shelf. She wrapped bandages around  Bumblebee's head to cover her eye and straightened the bent wing.

The egg cracked some more and the shell fell apart revealing a small, white dragonet. Her white, pale pink, and pale blue scales shimmered in the moonlight. Her long, graceful antenna unfurled in a greeting to her family. Her wing buds had swirls of different colors. Soft hazel eyes stared up at her father. She rubbed them, like she was a little groggy. Cricket looked up from attending to Bumblebee and spotted her newly hatched daughter. A smile spread across her face. 

"What are you going to name her?" Questioned Bumblebee. Blue studied the small dragonet. "How about Ivory?" He asked. "That's a nice name." Agreed Cricket. 

Bumblebee POV

Bumblebee stared at her little sister, a feeling of guilt stirring inside. She had failed to save the other. She couldn't let that happen again. She would protect Ivory with her life if she had to. 

The thief was fleeing across the desert. He had dodged the desert guard and was now making his way toward the WaspWing base. He prepared to dive down into the tunnels when he was struck out of the air. He fell to the ground the world going black.

Cicada snatched the satchel with the egg from Bombardier. She stared in disgust at the WaspWing. How could he work for them? She didn't feel bad for killing him. He deserved it. She had discovered that he was behind most of the kidnapping. She flew back towards the bridge that connected Pantala to Pyrrhia. She payed the toll and flew off. She had trained a lot since the night the trio had hatched. She was now one of the fastest flyers in the world. She shot through the night sky, heading back to Pyrrhia.

Two days later, when she had reached the Scorpion Den, she found her friend, Papaya, playing with Viper, Frost, and Rapid. "Hey everyone! Guess what!" They all looked up at her in surprise. "Cicada!" Papaya exclaimed in astonishment. "We didn't think you'd be back for another day at least!" Papaya was a RainWing who used to work for the Talons of Peace, but now has a nice house in the Scorpion Den. They had become good friends over the years and she often helped out with the dragonets when Cicada was off on missions. 

"I came back early. I found this egg." She showed it to Papaya and the trio. "Bombardier was going to bring it to the WaspWings, I killed him. I don't know where it came from, so I decided to bring it back here. We can raise it together. It's a miracle it hasn't hatched yet." At her words cracks appeared all along the egg. It was hatching.

They all gathered eagerly around the oval shaped egg. A small Hive/Silk hybrid crawled out. Her scales were the same pitch black color as Viper's eyes with scatterings of blue, purple, and white. Her horns were jet back along with her antenna which waved in the gentle morning breeze. Her wings were just like a HiveWings. When the sun filtered through them they shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. When she lifted her gaze to Cicada's her eyes were a sharp, intelligent hazel.

"She's beautiful!" Exclaimed Frost. "I wonder if she'll be good fighter?" Said Rapid. "She looks smart. It's in her eyes." Commented Viper. "What should her name be?" Questioned Papaya. "What about Galaxy?" Asked Cicada. "What do you think girls?" "Yes!" They all shouted. Galaxy struggled to her feet and looked around at all the dragons. She walked over to Viper and looked up at her big sister. "Hi little one. I'm Viper, your big sister." "Veeper!" Squeaked the little dragonet. Viper laughed. "I'm Rapid!" "And I'm Frost!" The other two introduced themselves. "Rwapid! Frwost!" "Shes a fast learner!" Commented Papaya.

Galaxy bounded over to the RainWing and looked up at her. "Woo?" "I'm Papaya!" "Pap-pap!" Cicada walked over to the little hybrid and scooped her up in her talons. "Ma ma!" Exclaimed Galaxy. Cicada laughed and they all played for the rest of the day.

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