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Fatespeaker POV

Fatespeaker was in her room. It was late. She was reading a list of new martials that were needed for the library and searching the school for them. One of the items that was needed was quills and she knew that she had some in her room somewhere. She was looking through some drawers when she heard a crash behind her. She whirled around to find three HiveWings at the entrance to her cave. One had a rope in his talons. "Who are you?" She asked. She fumbled for something to write with and felt the quill she was looking for. "We are HiveWings." Said the biggest "That's all you need to know." Before she could call for someone or do anything they threw the rope around her snout and and wings. "Now, come willingly and we will spare Starflight, if you don't, well, let's just say it won't be pretty." Said the first one. Fatespeaker felt fear run through her, but snatched the quill, the scroll, and a pot of ink. The leader looked at her suspiciously. "Just for a journal to keep me busy." She wrote on it. The leader nodded and they started off. 

They wove through the halls of Jade Mountain. Every few minutes they stopped to check that it was all clear, and in those brief moments of time Fatespeaker wrote a note for Starflight. When they passed his cave she tore off the part of the scroll with the note and threw it in. The HiveWings didn't seem to notice and they continued out of Jade Mountain and into the sky.

Starflight POV

Starflight awoke that morning to Sunny jostling him awake. "Sunny, let me sleep." He grumbled. He had been up half the night, trying to find all the stuff needed for the library. "Starflight, it's important. Fatespeaker's missing." With those words he shot up with fear. "Fatespeaker is missing?" He asked, not quite believing what Sunny had said. "Since when?" "No one knows." Replied Sunny "I went to get her because she had agreed to help me with the class I had and she was gone." Starflight started to panic. Where could she have gone? "And I found this note outside your room." Starflight grabbed the note and immediately knew it was Fatespeaker's handwriting. She always presses the quill into the scroll so that he might be able to read it. He traced his claws along the writing, but he couldn't make out what it said. "Can you read it to me?" He asked Sunny. She took the paper from him and started to read. 

"Dear Starflight,

I've been kidnapped. Three HiveWings. I don't know what they want with me, but please stay out of it. Don't try to get me. I'm probably far away by now and I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt. Don't hurt the HiveWings for this. If you must intervene please hire an investigator or someone like that. The HiveWings who have captured me are bad dragons and I don't want innocent HiveWings to get hurt. Please take care of our eggs. I love you.

                                                    Love sent with all my heart, Fatespeaker."

As Sunny read those last word Starflight crumpled to the ground. He started sobbing. Sunny put her wing around him. "She's gone." He cried "Sunny, she's gone." "It'll be okay." Said Sunny "You have to stay strong. For your eggs." Starflight rushed over to a pile of leaves. He traced his claws along the shells. He counted the number of eggs. One was missing. There were only two left. Starflight shook his head. "No, no, no no no. Not the eggs. The HiveWings got to the eggs!" At that moment he decided. He couldn't keep the eggs. They would remind him to much of Fatespeaker. But, in her letter she had told him to take care of them. But he had failed. I'll keep one of the eggs. He thought. He took the bigger one and flew to the nearest orphanage. It pained him to think that this egg would have to grow up like he did, but he couldn't bear the grief. He wrote a note that said "Keep this egg safe. Name it Plantkeeper if a boy and Starlight if a girl." Goodbye my egg. He thought. And flew off.

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