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Cicada watched as her egg hatched. The dragonet inside tumbled out. She was perfect. Her scales were honey yellow, just like her mother's, with a wave pattern of black scales like her father. Her daffodil yellow eyes were gentle and kind. Inchworm walked into the cave. He nuzzled their dragonet and then put a wing around Cicada. She leaned into his warmth. "What should we name her?" Her mate whispered in her ear. "What about... Glowworm?" Inchworm smiled. "Glowworm, I like it." 

The dragonet bounded over to her parents and jumped into Cicada's talons. She snuggled against her mother and fell asleep. Cicada gently set Glowworm down in a bed of animal pelts and soft leaves. Cicada and Inchworm curled up next to their dragonet, dreaming of their happy future as a family.

One year later...

"Inchworm!" Cicada cried out. Vines wrapped around his body, encasing him in leafy plant mater. She reached for his talon, trying to save him. Their talons met and she hooked on. "Please," Inchworm struggled to say. "Take Glowworm... go..." Cicada's eyes welled with tears. "No... if we can get you out you'll be okay!" Inchworm tried to shake his head. "T...the poison already taking effect... it's irreversible once in the blood." He clutched her talon tighter. "It'll be okay... you'll be fine without me. Your the most strong willed, capable, and kindest dragon I know. That's w...why I love you." He smiled. A warm, nurturing smile. The one she had fallen in love with all those years ago. Tears were now streaming from Cicada's snout. "I can get you out." "No, can't." He was struggling to speak now. "Please, j..just t..take her a..and run!" 

"Da da?" A young voice behind Cicada called out. "Da da? Da da! Da da! Are you okay?" Glowworm was peaking from behind her mother. "G...Glowworm g..get back." Said Inchworm. "D..don't fall in the lake." He looked back at Cicada. "It'll be alright. Glowworm needs you. Go on without me." He reached his snout towards hers and kissed her. He smiled. "Glowworm," "Yes da da?" "Take care of your mother. For me." He reached out and she touched her talon to his. "Goodbye my love." And he disappeared in the tangle of dangerous plants. "No!" Cicada's wail of grief echoed through the jungle night, alerting the nearby LeafWings. 

Dragons rushed over and saw the grieving mother and her daughter sitting by the lake. Cicada's eyes were still blurry from her tears, and still more streamed down her snout. Glowworm was also crying. She knew what had just happened. Her dad was gone. Cicada looked up at the LeafWing who was now in front of her. The dragon was tall and minty green. She looked at the HiveWing in confusion. "What are two HiveWings doing in the poison jungle?" She asked Cicada. Cicada couldn't answer. She couldn't speak. Her beloved Inchworm, the dragon she had cared for most in her life, was dead. "Da da..." murmured Glowworm, staring out at the lake. The LeafWing looked around at her companions. "Let's take them back to the village. They aren't safe here." Cicada felt dragons propping her up and she winced and fell back down to the forest floor, her injuries really starting to sting. The strongest dragons lifted her up onto their shoulders and they walked to the Poison Village.

Three years later...

Cicada stared down at her mission. The orders were directly from Lady Bloodworm herself. 

Steal the egg of Princess Sunny. Steal any other important eggs you can. Somehow capture Peril of the SkyWings. Capture the royal RainWing princesses. Capture Princess Auklet of the SeaWings or Prince Cliff of the SkyWings. Kill Clay of the MudWings. Kill Deathbringer of the NightWings. Leave no witnesses. Keep all captured dragons intact, you may injure Peril if you have to. 

She couldn't do this! She stared down the secret tunnels of the WaspWing base. She could do an egg stealing mission, yes, but assassination and kidnapping? She'd never done that before! She remembered how much money this mission would give her. She was poor and could barely get enough food for Glowworm. If she completed this her reward would be enormous. She grabbed everything she would need. Knives, weapons, poison, ropes, whips, food, two maps, a bag to keep an egg from hatching, and some other basic necessities. When she had accepted the job as an agent for the WaspWings she had been given all the materials she would need for her missions. It wasn't her favorite job, but gave decent pay.

She walked out of her room and Glowworm immediately looked up from her puzzle and a smile spread across her face. "Mommy! Mommy! Can you play? Please, please!" Cicada sighed. "I really wish I could Glowworm, but I just got this huge mission from Lady Bloodworm." Glowworm's face fell. "Just one puzzle! Please!!!" "Fine." She couldn't resist the opportunity to be with her dragonet. "Yay!" Glowworm bounced around the cave in excitement. As they sat down to do the puzzle Cicada thought about the job ahead of her, and how very impossible it  may as well be. 


Mommy still hadn't returned. She was in Lady Bloodworm's underground mansion and she was terrified. Her mother hadn't returned from her mission yet. It had been two months. She usually was out for only one, one and a half at most, and then came right back. "Were is mommy?" She asked her friend Lotus. "I don't know!" He answered back. "Maybe her mission is just taking awhile." "She's never gone THIS long!" Exclaimed Glowworm. "Somethings wrong!" 

I hope you enjoyed! I wanted to make this very special one shot because I have just fell in love with Cicada and her backstory. This didn't take very long, but it turned out amazing! Have a good day Ducks! And be yourself!

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