Special One Shot

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This is to celebrate getting to 50 followers! Please enjoy!

Jade POV

Jade awoke to a noise. She looked up and saw her brother, Beetle, jump off the bed and run over to the window. "Beetle, where are you going?" She asked. Beetle normally waited until mom got up. Beetle spun around and looked at her with a hesitant gaze. "Uhmmmm..." he said "Don't tell anyone, I'm going to Pyrrhia." Jade was shocked. Her brother? Why would he want to go to Pyrrhia? "Why?" She asked. "I don't belong here." He replied "No one here takes me seriously. I've always been the cute little brother who can't even form a complete sentence." Jade jumped off the bed that she and Beetle shared. "But, the desert is dangerous." She told him "And with all the locks you'll never get out." Beetle looked thoughtfully at the window. "Could you solve the lock?" He asked. Jade went over and studied the combination. 

The lock was a four letter word. She had a pretty good idea what Bumblebee had put for the key. "Yeah, I can solve this." She replied. She put the letters to HRMS. That was Bumblebee's key for everything. She didn't know why. The lock fell to the floor and the window swung open. "Thanks sis, you're the best." Said Beetle. Beetle was about to jump down when Jade said "Wait!" Beetle turned around and looked at her with a questioning gaze. Jade dove under the bed and grabbed a bag. "Here, take this." She said, giving it to him "It has food, a canteen of water, coins and scales, and a cloak to keep you warm." She explained "It also has this thing I call a protection rock. It will keep you safe from harm." She neglected to mention that she had stolen it from Bumblebee. Beetle hugged her and she hugged him back. "I'm going to miss you Jade." He said. Jade's eyes welled with tears "Me to." She replied. Beetle lept to the window and fell onto the sand. 

Jade went to the window and watched him leave. As she watched her brother bound across the dunes she thought about what he had said. He doesn't belong here. That's what he had said. Jade thought. Then something struck her. Do I belong here? Did she? She locked up the window again and crawled back into bed. She couldn't sleep though. She kept having nightmares about Beetle. When morning finally came her mom came into the room. She absolutely freaked out when she found Beetle missing. Her father got the whole town to look for him. Jade stayed in her room.

She heard voices in the vents and figured Bumblebee was talking to someone in her room. She crept through the vents and got to Bumblebee's room. Her and Ivory were looking at something on a plank of wood. She heard her own voice coming from it. Oh no! She thought I forgot about the security cameras! She fled back to her room. She grabbed a bag and started packing. Some food, water, everything she would need. If Bumblebee and Ivory know that Beetle has gone to Pyrrhia then they will definitely chase after him. She thought. She had to stall them. She had over heard their plans for escape and knew they were leaving sometime after lunch. She stared out her window. Could she take any of her friends with her? Yes! She knew that Mantis loved adventure and often felt trapped in this town. I'll go to her house right now and tell her about my plan! And she went to Mantis's house. I hope Tau isn't home. She thought.

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