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Turtle POV

"Daddy!!" Turtle heard his daughter call his name. He came out of the kitchen and saw Sunset and Paradise playing on the floor of their beach home. "Sunset keeps taking all the good shells!" "But she keeps taking all the good sea creatures!" They we're playing a game called squids and shells. Turtle sighed. 

"Sunset, how about you and your sister put all the shells and sea creatures into two piles, one for animals and another for shells, and take turn picking." He picked up the figures and separated them into two piles. When he was done Sunset and Paradise started arguing about who would go first. "The youngest should go first!" Yelled Paradise. "You always get to be the first one to pick! It should be my turn!" Sunset shot back. 

"Sunset! Paradise! If you don't stop arguing right now I'll hit you with a pineapple!" Said a voice from behind Turtle. He turned around and saw Kinkajou coming out of the kitchen with board game snacks. When Paradise saw her mother she ran over and gave her a big hug, her bioluminescent scales glowing pink with happiness. 

Turtle had been nervous when Kinkajou told him she was with egg, but he had turned out to be a great father. When their eggs had hatched they had been very surprised at the result. Paradise looked a lot like a RainWing, just with a few bioluminescent scales here and there that could change color and gills and webbed talons. Her older sister, Sunset, looked so much like a SeaWing that she could easily pass for one, but her glow in the dark scales could cycle between different colors of pink, blue, green, and purple and so could her eyes. She also had venom while her younger sister didn't. Turtle and Kinkajou had been relieved that neither of them had animus magic. 

Sunset came over to her mother and plucked a slice of kiwifruit off the top. "So, dad, do you want to play?" She asked. "Yeah! Please play! You can be the Turtle!" Yelled Paradise. She was so excited that she tripped over her own wings and tumbled into her older sister. Turtle laughed. "Okay, I'll play." "Yay!" Exclaimed Paradise from on top of a pile of wings. "Paradise! Get off! Your heavy!" Yelled Sunset. "Oops!" Said the little hybrid and she jumped off her sibling. 

Sunset grumbled something about always getting trampled and sat down. They played squids and shells until the sun started to set.(wow, try saying that three times fast) After dinner Turtle found Kinkajou outside staring at the setting sun. He put his wing around her and she leaned into him. "Worried?" He asked. Kinkajou nodded. Their dragonets were going to Jade Mountain Academy tomorrow. "Don't worry, there are plenty of other hybrids there now a days and Sunny told me that they have started a bunch of clubs and after school activities. She gave me a list of some that she thought Sunset might be interested in." 

Sunset and Sunny had become pen pals after they took a trip to the Rainforest last year. Kinkajou looked at Turtle. "I know, it's just, after what happened to us during our time there and the missing dragons..." she trailed off. Turtle knew what she meant. Eight years ago Fatespeaker had gone missing, along with two of her eggs. Then, a year later, one of Tsunami and Riptide's eggs had been taken along with the egg Sunny had adopted and Winter and Lynx's. Then, just one month after Moon and Qibli's second dragonet had hatched, their first one, Eclipse, had disappeared. She was only three years old. 

There had been other reports of missing dragons around the continent, most of them hybrids. Some had gone with notes or clues as to who took them, others disappeared without a trace. The incidents had kept Turtle and Kinkajou from sending their dragonets to school, but now Sunset and her sister were getting restless, hearing all about school from their cousins. "I know it's dangerous, but they'll be in good talons. Sunny will look out for them and they have family and friends there." Clay and Peril's dragonets had been sent to the school along with Starflight's remaining dragonet, Glory and Deathbringer's, Moon and Qibli's son and remaining daughter, and Tsunami and Riptide's twins. 

But they all lived close. Him and Kinkajou, they lived in the Bay of a Thousand Scales. "Everything will be okay." He told her. They leaned into each other and watched the sun set.

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