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WARNING!!! I know you all have your opinions and I respect that, but please do not criticize me for doing Moonbli. Winterwatcher and Quinter shippers, I promise I'll do a one-shot for each, but right now I'm doing Moonbli. Thank you.

Moon POV

Today was the day. Today was it. Today was her wedding day. She had planned for months, making sure everything was just right. And she was still a nervous wreck. "Moon! By the three moons! Stop pacing!" Exclaimed Sora. Sora was one of her bridesmaids and she had come to help Moon get dressed. "How can I?" Moon shouted "There are so many things that might go wrong! I could trip on the way down the aisle! The musicians could have to cancel! Kinkajou might not be able to come!" "What reason would there be that I wouldn't?" Kinkajou threw open the door to Moons hut and bounced across the room. Moon breathed a sigh of relief. Kinkajou was her maid of honor and Moon didn't know what she would do without her help. "Kinkajou! Thank goodness!" Exclaimed Sora "Maybe you can calm Moon down. She's acting like it's the end of the world or something." Kinkajou giggled "Well, everyone who was invited came, the musicians are here, the cake and food have arrived, Secretkeeper is here, me and Peril just  landed, Peril is grumpy at the fact that Winter is Qibli's best man, yep! Everything is fine!" 

That cheered Moon up. Kinkajou always knew how to make her feel better. They all headed out side and saw a very grumpy Peril "I still don't know why Qibli chose the frozen popsicle to be in the wedding." Peril remarked as they were taking off. "I mean, I can understand why you decided that it would be a good idea for Bumblebee to be the flower girl and for Peacekeeper to be the ring bearer, but Qibli deciding to have Winter as best man? Doesn't make sense." "Yeah, it's going to be very awkward, but hopefully I can stand having to be that close to cold scales before the reception." Said Kinkajou. Everyone burst out laughing. When they landed they saw that Fatespeaker was at the entrance to clearing where the wedding was going to take place greeting everyone. "And look who it is!" She exclaimed when she saw Moon "It's the bride herself! You look amazing, might I add." Moon blushed "Thanks." She mumbled. "Everyone is here! The flower girl arrived a few minutes ago. You might want to double check that she hasn't snuck a book into her basket." Bumblebee had became a bookworm, just like Cricket, as she had gotten older.

The music started and everyone took their places. When it was time for Moon to walk her mother came up to her and took her talon. Her father was dead so, well, guess. As she walked down the aisle out of the corner of her eye she saw Cricket waving to her. She smiled. Cricket was a great friend. She saw Turtle, Umber, and Winter standing on the stage. She briefly caught a thought from Bumblebee among the chaos. I'll bet anything that someone will tell me "You'll be next" well, if they do, at a funeral where they are there I'lol just have to tell them the same thing. I wonder if their dragonets will have any special powers. Note to self: recruit the oldest to your organization. Bumblebee's thoughts were always weird. 

Once all the vows had been said, Peacekeeper came forward with the rings. As Qibli slipped the ring on Moons claw, the whole world became silent she thought to herself Oh! Qibli must have gotten a piece of sky fire embedded in the ring. And then, the next thing she knew the priest had said the words and they were now walking back down the aisle. She saw Bumblebee give her a look. She didn't know what that meant, but she didn't care. Her and Qibli were married and everything was going to be fine.

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