Thinking about you

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Third person POV・

It's just an ordinary day like any other, Tsubomi is the center of the attention, as usual, and Ekubo keeps tormenting Mob but that's not really what's annoying him today, what's really annoying him today is a certain someone who he cannot get out of his head, Hanazawa Teruki. Mob simply can't get him out of his head, and it's not just today, for the past few weeks all that he has been thinking about is him.

"Maybe it's because I haven't seen him in a while..." Muttered Shigeo.

While the boy was having this internal conflict, the bell rings and he started heading to the club room.

"Hey Kageyama is everything ok?? You seem a bit more pensive than usual." Said the muscled figure.

"Oh Musashi-san, good afternoon. Thank you for your concern but I'm fine"

"If you say so... But don't forget improvement club is always here for you!!!" Exclaimed Musashi-san while making one of his weird poses.

"Yes, I won't forget, thank you." Says Mob with a slight grin, making his senpai Musashi-san seems to be a little bit more relaxed.

"Good work today Shigeo, you almost didn't faint today while  running."

"Mhm, thanks Ekubo"

"I just don't understand this kid, I was mocking him a bit and he thanks me, bruh I just wanted him to reach 100 mode again     T-T" Thought Ekubo with a tired look.

They were walking towards the school gate but suddenly Mob stopped.

"Hm? What's the problem Shigeo?"

"Oh-uhm nothing.."

"Then let's go!"

But what in fact had made Shigeo Kageyama stop wasn't the landscape but a familiar haircut."

"No it's impossible, why would he be here, and he had cut his hair there's no way it's him"

While Mob was panicking in his head they passed through the gate and he saw... A dog.

"Hehe, don't you think that dog looks familiar- Oh Shigeo are you ok?"

"Mhm all good" Say the boy with a red face while he crouches do pet the dog.

"Ah I'm really dumb, why would Hanazawa-kun be here anyways.."

"Hey Kageyama-kun!"

Mob turned violently and found himself face to face with the last person he wanted to see right now, Hanazawa-kun.

"Ah! Uhm h-hi Hanazawa-kun what are you doing here?"

"I was just passing by and thought that I could give you a hand with your work (Reigen) since you get out of school at this hour"

"Oh-Ah yeah thanks"

"Let's go then." Said Ekubo interrupting the clima without even realizing it.

And they remained in an awkward silence until they reach Mob's work.



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