A billion of stars, a million of constellation

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Ritsu burried his face in Sho's chest, He was so happy to see him right now that he didn't care about anything else.

"Uh Ritsu can you... Uh release me" Sho mumbled as he heated up.

"No, you suck." Answer Ritsu still upset about his friend not replying to his messages.

"What, you're such a meanie sometimes Ritsu~" He teased when he understood why Ritsu was acting like that.
"Y'know I didn't answer you today because I was doing a surprise for you and only you."

This made Ritsu raise his head a bit and look the red head in the eyes. "Are you serious?"

"Of course, so can you let go of me right now?"

"Don't really want to..." The black haired boy insisted.
"I don't really care about the surprise I just want to stay with you..."

"Harsh day huh" sighed the other boy finally giving in.

"Yup you can't even imagine."

The only thing Ritsu remembered after that conversation was being held by a warm embrace until he fell asleep.
Sho's POV・

Ritsu fell asleep while cuddling with me sincerely I never thought he could act like this. Normally he's so distant and even a bit cold, he gets easily flustered but always hides it but today, this is a Ritsu I never saw. I didn't know my presence would change his mood so much, Maybe I do have a chance...

Anyways even though I would love to stay like this with Ritsu forever, I really have to show him the surprise. Why do I gotta wake him up?!!
Maybe ten more minutes won't hurt anyone...

・3rd person POV・

"Hey... Hey Ritsu!" A soft voice call out for the boy's name.

"Mm? Is it morning yet?"

"No dummy, I want to take you somewhere, open your eyes!"

"Shō? Ok let's go."

They get out by the window and walk for about 20 min.

"Here we are!" Shō excitedly screamed

"A field? What are we doing here Shō?

"Hehehe now look up you'll be amazed."

Ritsu followed the others boy instructions and looked up and what he saw amazed him. A billion of stars, a million of constellation were shining in the sky. The lighting was soft so it favored Suzuki's features, which of course, made the spikey  haired boy blush.

Kageyama Ritsu sneakily grabbed the others hand while still gazing at the sky. The other boy was overjoyed and he knew this would be the best opportunity to say it.

"Ritsu.." He sighs making the other finally look at him with a pink-ish face covered by the million colors in the sky.

"Kageyama Ritsu I love you." As soon as this words come out of Shō's mouth he starts crying.

"I'm sorry for loving you Ritsu, please don't hate me. Please don't be disgusted by me."

Ritsu, who was still processing what just happened simply approached his face to the other and answered "Do you really think I would still be here if I was disgusted by you. Suzuki Shō I love you too."

The red head euphoric, he couldn't believe that this was happening. He gently puts his hand on the latter's chin and waits for the sign. The other seemed hesitant but nooded. Suzuki jumps on him and kissed him softly. Ritsu had no idea for how long Suzuki waited for this moment.

The rest of the night were just giggles and snarky remarks about each other and how they fell in love until Ritsu fell asleep.

Shō brought his beloved home while he was asleep. While he laid the other in bed he saw the door opening, it was Mob! He waved to the read head which waved him back. When Mob leaved the room, Shō turned to Ritsu and gently kissed his forehead saying "Good night, Ritsu<3"

In the next morning, despite sleeping so late Ritsu felt very well. He gets up and he sees he has a message from Shō.

Redhead dummy

Wanna chill and watch some anime today?
06:45 AM


07: 05 AM

***********Today was a looking chapter, hope you liked it!Also that you for all the votes comments and views I think I'm getting famous 🤨 hehehe

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Today was a looking chapter, hope you liked it!
Also that you for all the votes comments and views I think I'm getting famous 🤨 hehehe.
Thanks y'all, have a day as wonderful, gorgeous and magnificent as you!
Love ya✨

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