Harsh day

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It was a quiet night, the room was filled with tons of blue and some flashing lights from unknown sources. The only thing you could hear that night was the animals and some cars passing by. Mob loved moments like this the most because it was when he could be at peace. But it also scared him, after all night thoughts can be quite confusing.

"These feelings... They're quite familiar" he faintly said. "Even if our first meeting wasn't the best, Hanazawa-kun is actually very kind, and he's always taking care of me. Even if I don't deserve it, he's always here..."

"But then there's Tsubomi, I haven't really talked to her since we were kids. I think maybe, I don't lover her anymore, maybe I fell in love with-"

A window in the other room opens, not allowing Mob to finish he's sentence.

He assumed it was Ritsu since he's been going out lately but as soon as he realizes another esper's presence he hurries to make sure he's brother is ok.

He slowly opens his brothers room only to find a red hair individual, Sho Suzuki, of course.
The black haired boy waves to the other, who ends up waving back at him.

Mob carefui closes the door and goes back to his room. He feels more relived after knowing who is he's little brother spending time with. He lays on his bed and is finally able to dose of.
In that day's morning...

Ritsu's POV

Every evening I've been going out with Sho to enhance my psychic powers, only to come back at night , but today wasn't like the other days.

Today I woke up oddly tired, probably because the exam season is near.
I texted Sho as soon as I woke up saying I was to tired to train today. Strangely he didn't reply. He's probably sleeping, he'll reply later... I thought.

I get ready to go to school and leave sooner than everyone as usual.

As I reach school I go to the student council room, where lots of work await me.
It's lunch break but I'm not really hungry. Some members of the council invited me to lunch with them but I'm not really in the mood to eat with people, I want to enjoy some time alone.

I find an empty table in an area not many people go, I sit there for a while and think how nice this place is. The wind feels good on my skin, even so I cannot feel at ease.

I lean my chin against the table, and turn on my phone once again. Sho still didn't reply.
This is starting to stress me, the person who always send me messages and always replied as soon as possible now is ignoring me, this day couldn't be any worse.

When I comprehended what was happening it was already too late, I already had to back to class. I didn't even eat I straight up stayed the hole break waiting for Sho to text me.

"Ugh this is so stupid." I sigh as I get up to go to class

As I'm entering class one of my colleagues asks me "Kageyama-kun are you ok?"

"Yes, of course," I answer " why are you asking?"

"Oh it's just because your face is unusually red." She then proceeds to walk to her seat and wait for the teacher.

This is so stupid... Why can't I take you out of my mind...

After suffering with insane amounts of work and surviving the rest of the classes I get ready to go home and have some rest. I take my phone out of my pocket and check my notifications, still no response from Sho...

As I reach home I walk to my room as fast as possible, I just wanted this day to end.
I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling, when I feel tears forming in my eyes.

No, not this again, I'm so freaking tired.

I hear someone knocking in my window. I get up and see him, the person who I wanted to see the most, the one who can always make me smile, the one who's giggles always soften my heart. Sho! Sho's finally here!



Hiya besties, author talking!
Today episode wasn't really about Mob and Teruki so he's percentage didn't raise that much.
But watcha think it will happen in the next chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I specially liked to write this chapter a lot, hope y'all like it has much as I do!!
Buh-byeeee for now!!

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