Cafe Date?

451 17 2

・Mob's POV・


I mean it may seem like I'm exaggerating but Hanazawa-kun is indeed kind, smart, popular and very very hands-

"Is there something on my face??" Hanazawa-kun asked with a smirk, interrupting my line of thought and making me realize I've been staring at him for quite some time.

"Oh no I just got a bit distracted" I said as I could feel my cheeks warming up.

"Anyways, I was thinking and haven't we already gone through the cafe...?"

"Oh...Oh gosh I'm sorry Hanazawa-kun I wasn't paying attention."

"No need to worry or apologize, that happens to me a lot too."

That's right, Hanazawa-kun is really just like that

"Let's go then?"

"Sure" I answer with a soft smile.
・Third person POV・

As they entered in the cafe, and sat on an empty table, everyone stared at Hanazawa-kun, of course it is hard not to stare at such a good looking individual but even knowing that, Mob couldn't help but feel uneasy.

As the said "good looking individual" noticed that Mob was very uncomfortable he grabbed the boy's pinky finger with his and asked "Kageyama-kun are you ok?? If you aren't feeling well just tell me! We can hang out any other time if you want?"

"Ah no, I'm fine... I... I just, uh I just don't like ordering food..??" Said the black haired boy trying to hide the fact that he was simply jealous.

"Fine then I'll order for you, how about it?"

"Uhm yes thank you."

"So you'll order a Milky-choco mix Am I right?"

"Uh yes."

"Then I'll go get it" The blond got up from the table leaving Mob full of doubt on how did he knew his favorite drink, after milk of course.

"Here are the drinks!" Said Teruki beaming.

"Oh, thank you."

He started at Shigeo for a while leaving the same blushing and finally asked "Kageyama-kun a re you sure everything's fine, you've been acting very oddly"

Oh, no I've acting like this for the whole day, no wonder he's so worried, well anyone would be. Guess I'll have to think of another excuse.
"Don't worry about it Hanazawa-kun, i guess school is stressing me out a little bit, after all exams season will be starting soon."

"That's true... If that's what troubles you, w
e can study together!"

"Really??!!" Asked Mob with a pair of gleaming eyes.

"O-of course" The blond boy responded, a little embarrassed by the friends cuteness.

They chatted for some more time but soon it was time to go.

"Thank you for everything Hanazawa-kun, goodbye."

"Don't mention it, I'm always here to help, byebye Kageyama-kun."



Hi-hi author here, first of all I wanted to apologize for the chapter it was pretty trashy wasn't it?? T_T
Second, I said I would post more, well.. it won't be happening procrastinating is my life style, in fact I have tons of school work to do including two presentation and reading three books (please save me).

Anyways thanks for reading as always!!♥️✨

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