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"It's today..." Mob mumbled after a rough night. He couldn't stop thinking about his grades, the thought of disappointing everyone was just too painful.

The poor boy passed the holidays worrying about his grades and couldn't genuinely enjoy them.

Ritsu was out with Shō, mother was out with the neighbors and his dad was working. Being alone didn't help at all at times like this.

"Be brave Shigeo" He told himself trying to hold the tears down.

Mob passed the morning fearing the evening, that is, when he has to go see his grades.
"It's time" The plain looking boy gets up after a long session of staring at the ceiling.

Getting out of the house was the worst part, Mob couldn't help but flinch when he realized he couldn't go back, and he didn't, eyes filled with determination Mob kept walking towards his destiny.

He reached the final location, legs shaking but still filled with determination.

He entered the building, walked up to the lady in the reception and politly asked for his exams results.
A bell rang and Mob's mother opens the door only to find a blond boy waiting.
"Good afternoon miss -Teruki greeted- is Kageyama-kun home?

"Good afternoon, you must be Shigeo's friend! He isn't home yet, he went to get his grades -Mob's mother continued- but your welcome to come in! I'm sure he'll be happy to find a friend when he comes back."

"I thank you for the request, but I'll have to reject it. I prefer to find Kageyama-kun first. Have a nice evening."

After the mother closed the door, Teruki sighs and looks up to the sky tainted with tons of red and purple.
"I guess I'll have to find him now"

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