Let's go out!

570 18 9

・Third person POV・

"Yo Mob! Looks like we have a surprise guest today!" Exclaimed Regein with his usual goofy voice
"Hello Regein-san." Greeted Teruki with a polite tone .
"Good evening shishō, where is Serizawa-san?"

"When got all the work done for today so you can take the day off."
"Awesome then we'll be off" said Ekubo rushing to get out of there "Ah so rude, on day you're really going to break my heart Ekubo" The ghost only sighed in response.

"Oh, then I'll see you tomorrow shishō."

"Later Mob" answered Regein with one of his peculiar hand gestures.




"I'm sorry Hanazawa-kun, you walked all the way here with me but it seems like we didn't have any clients" Mob embarrassingly sighed.
"Don't worry about that I didn't exactly came here to exorcise spirits, I came to pass time with you". As Hanazawa said that a wild brush spread out across Mob's face and Ekubo rolled his eyes as soon as he understood what was going on. "I'm not in the mood to see kiddos acting all lovey-dovey" mumbled Ekubo as he flew away leaving the two boys blushing.

"Anyways..." He continued "If you feel so sorry how about we have some fun together, do you have any place you want to go?"

"A n-new ca-cafe opened near here, uhm here near w-we could go there?" Stuttered Mob looking like a tomato.

As the conversation went on Mob hated everything that came out of his mouth, every word he said came out wrong and he couldn't even think. He wondered why did this feeling felt familiar.

After seeing Mob's state Teruki tried to hold back, but in the end he couldn't help but laugh. "Pfft- haha you're way to cute- Ah I mean let's go then lead the way"

"Mhm sure, let's go" Mob was sure he heard it wrong but he ashamed for thinking someone like Hanazawa-kun would actually call him cute.



Ayo Satsuko here, sorry for not posting for like 20 day 💀.
Anyways I see that some people actually read this👀 and I wanted to thank them <3

Now that the holidays are starting I'll probably post more so see you soon.❤️✨

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