Floating with you

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Teruki started looking in the parks in the neighborhood, he knew how Mob liked them when they were empty. Each step he gave he felt more and more worried.

"Wait this presence, it's Mob!" He screamed as soon as he felt it. Running desperately to where the missing boy was.

"I can't show them this, I'm a failure. All that effort was for nothing, I made Hanazawa-kun lose his time, I made Ritsu worry about me for nothing, mother will keep scolding me and will father still defend me?
I know I can't have everything, I know it's a selfish wish, but I just wished I could make all of them proud, instead of looking at me like a liability they would smile when they see my face.
I didn't have the worst grades but even so, I just wanted it to be a bit higher. I wish I could disappear."





"Mob! I finally found you!" A voice screamed from afar.


Oh no, he's here,


What should I do?


I don't want him to see me like this.


The tears don't stop.


Teruki quickly ran and went to hug Mob, the only words that came out of his mouth were:
"It's fine I'm here for you"

This made Mob sob uncontrollably, he was relived that someone was there for him. He closed his eyes and let it all out.


When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer sitting on a bench, he was surrounded by beautiful lights and buildings. He was floating, floating with him, the one who had always been there, the one that always helped him, the one that always wiped his tears, Hanazawa.

In that moment, it seemed like the whole world disappeared, the only thing that was there was that cute blond boy.

Ayooo we close to the end! It was a lot of fun writing this I'll miss it so much, my dear first story as cringe as it could be (╥﹏╥)
Well I hope you keep reading and liking this story till the end!

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