Chapter Seven - Sister

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Third Person POV

Josiah drove Kiyomi home as music played in the background. Kiyomi was playing with her fingers and looking out the window the whole time. As they pulled up to her house, she saw her sister's car outside and sighed.

Josiah realized she might not be as excited to go home as he thought. "You don't have to go home if you don't want to. Couldn't you tell your mother you're staying at a friend's house?" He suggested.

She turned to look at him. "My mother wouldn't believe me. Plus I have no choice but to spend time with my sister." Josiah sighed and nodded. "I understand that. Call one of us if you need anything okay?" Kiyomi smiled and nodded, getting her purse on and getting out of the car.

She turned around and waved at him smiling as he waved back. Josiah waited until she got inside to drive off. He couldn't help but wonder why exactly she didn't want to go home.

Once Kiyomi got inside she was attacked with questions from her mother and sister. Her mother was more worried for her safety while Isabella was being selfish as usual.

"Kiyomi, where were you? I called you more than ten times."

"Is this anyway to greet your older sister? You hurt my feelings Kiki."

"I specifically told you to be home when Isabella got here."

"Look how worried you made mom. You were never this bad when I was still here. Be more responsible like me."

Kiyomi walked away from them causing them both to stop talking. Her mother looked like she would explode. "Don't you dare walk away from me Kiyomi Monroe Hart you get back here."

She turned back to her mother ignoring the glare coming from her older sister.

"I know I was supposed to be back in time. I went to the park and I fell asleep on a bench. That's it." Her sister laughed and turned to her mother.

"Sounds like a perfect excuse for going to someone's house doesn't it?" Kiyomi glared at her sister.

"She doesn't know what she's talking about mom. I just told you what happened."

Her mother sighed loudly. "Just go upstairs Kiki. Isabella's taking you out tomorrow."

"Can I eat first?" Isabella smirked, whispering something in her mother's ear. "You'll eat a lot tomorrow when you go out. Just go to bed. All this is giving me a headache." Her mother spoke while sitting down. Isabella laid a hand on her shoulder. "I'll clean up down here and bring dad his food." Her mother smiled looking at Isabelle while Kiyomi walked upstairs.

She sat on her bed debating with herself over calling one of the boys. Maybe they could get her some food or maybe she was just bothering them. As if right on cue, Vincent called.

"Hey sweetheart just checking in on you and making sure Josiah didn't drop you off at the wrong place. We all know he's terrible at directions." Kiyomi smiled hearing his voice.

"I'm okay Vince. I'm back at my house." She already knew he was smiling on the other side. "That's great! Did you eat dinner already?"

She sighed at that question hoping he would believe her. "Yeah I did." He went silent for a fews moments then hummed. "I have ways of telling when people lie to me, little one. I'll ask you again. Did you eat dinner?"

Kiyomi chewed on her finger nervously and whispered a no. She teared up a little thinking he would be upset at her. "I'm on my way sweetheart."

"B-but wait you can't" She looked outside her room to not see her mom or her sister anyway. "Kiyomi, I'm coming over to get you and we're getting something to eat. I'm not letting you go hungry and there's no getting out of it because everybody here agrees with me. I'll be there soon"

Kiyomi nodded, then realized he couldn't see her. "Okay, I'll wait outside." They both said bye and she got her shoes on, then quietly went to wait outside.

Isabella was watching from her window and laughed realizing this would be a great story to tell her mother.

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