Chapter Two - Intro to The Guys

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Vincent POV

I was planning something special for the guys. Josiah works too hard and it's affecting all of us, but mostly Liam. He misses Josiah and I know Josiah misses all of us, but he has a need to do work and get something done. He doesn't feel right sitting at home and doing nothing. We all understand that, but we also understand that he needs a break.

I made reservations at our favorite diner a few blocks away. We used to eat there all the time when we first moved here, but work and our lifestyle kind of took over. The place has gotten busy and now you have to make reservations just to get in. Luckily, Maggie has known us for years and she loves us.

Walking into our shared room, I see Noah and Liam cuddled up together. It was a cute sight to see. I love seeing them together. It's these little moments that remind me how much I love them. I took a picture and sent it to Josiah before waking them up.

Liam balled his hands into fists and rubbed his eyes as I shook him awake. "Come on bubs it's time to get up." He whined and cuddled closer to Noah who was already up and looking at me. I kissed him quickly and picked up Liam. "We're meeting Josiah somewhere. Go ahead and get ready. I'll come and check on you." He nodded still being tired.

Liam lifted his head off my shoulder and looked at me with his famous puppy dog eyes. "Good morning baby. Glad to see you're up. Sit on the bed and I'll pick your outfit." I placed him on the bed of his little room and gave him his stuffed dog (Blue).

I was picking out his outfit when I heard a small voice. "Daddy?"

"Yes baby?" I already what he was going to ask, but I knew this news would cheer him up.

"Where's papa?" He asked while looking down and picking at his fingers. I moved his hands away from each other and made him look at me. "Papa went to work, but I have a surprise for you." His eyes lit up. "I made reservations at Maggie's diner and papa is meeting us there." His wrapped his arms around me and I could he was crying. It's been too long since we all had time together like this.

"Don't cry sweet boy. I know this is a little overwhelming for you. Let's get you all ready then we can check on Noah yeah?" He nodded slowly and let go of me.

After getting him ready, I carried him back to our room to see Noah who was very excited to see us. "Hey bud, you ready?"

"Yeah I'm ready. Can I sit with Liam?"

I felt Liam nod excitedly against my neck. "I think Liam would really like that."

I put Liam down and he grabbed Noah's hand. I grabbed my keys, locked the front door, and walked them both to the car before calling Josiah.

"Hey babe, I was waiting for your call."

"I hope you're not so busy working that you forgot what I had planned."

"Of course not. I'm with Maggie right now."

"Good. We're leaving now. We'll see you soon. Love you."

"I love you too."

I turned to Noah who was helping Liam in. "Noah make sure he keeps his seatbelt on. You know how much he loves to take it off. Liam I know how you feel being little out in public. All of us are here for you and you know Josiah is going to order for you. Tell us if it gets too much and we'll come home and watch a movie. Do you understand?"

Liam nodded slowly. "I need words love."

"Yes daddy"

"Good now let's go."

AN - Yes, Liam is a little and I find it adorable! Him and Noah are just a little closer because Noah has a pet headspace sometimes and he's a switch. He's the one that's more likely to play with Liam while he's little or watch a movie with him while the other two are working. They all love each other! Don't think they don't!

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