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Sky's POV

I turned the radio on in my car and i started to sing out loud as Nirvana came on.

"Come as you are, as you were, as i want you to be. As a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy.

Take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours, dont be late. Take a rest, as a friend, as an old

Memoria, memoria, memoria memoria"

I sang the rest of the song quietly as i started to notice people staring them realising that my window was down. I bursted into a pit of giggles. As the song finished i pulled up to school and got out of my car (a/n the car is whatever you want it to be :p ) and grabbed my bag making my way into school. I walked with my head down noticing that everyone stopped their conversations and stared at me while i walked into the locker bay. I went to my locker and put the code in

" 6 14 28 "

I said to myself quietly so no one knew what the code was.

I grabbed my diary out and locked at what i had next, great chemistry. I grabbed my chemistrybooks and shut my locker. As i was walking to class i tripped over, realising what i had just done i picked up all my books still sitting in the floor. As i got up everyone bursted into fits of laughter.

"Worthless piece of shit"


"The bitch cant even walk"

Why am i so stupid! I ran to my next class trying to forget about some of the comments made about me. My chemistry teacher then walked in amd the class started.

*skip to the last class of the day*

The bell rang for the students to go home and i rushed out of that class room like there was no tomorrow. I ran to my locker and opened it for the 4th time today. I grabbed my bag and the work that i had been told to complete and shut my locker ready for the weekend. As i was walking to my car i caught a group of boys putting glue onto my car and then chucking whatever they could find pluss glitter and feathers onto it.


"Awww is someone mad about there car?"

A voice behind me said. It was Katherine, the school bitch.


"Because slut, look at the way you are reacting to my choice of words and actions. I am finding this extremely entertaining"

"Yeah well im not so piss off and go be happy with what you have achieved in your life."

"Oh sweet, im only getting started"

She folded her arms. Right thats it this bitch is going down. I punched her right in the left cheek and then went to get her nose. Her face started to look all bloody and then she took all power and punched me back.

Left cheek

Right cheek



Then the teachers came and seperated us. Katherine got taken away and i was allowed to go home. They offered me a ride and to clean uo the mess that had just been made but i denied the offer and jumped into my car driving straight home.

Once i pulled up to my house i noticed that dads car wasnt parked out the front and a slight releif flew past me knowing that im the only one who knows this happend. I unlocked the front door and i heard the t.v on. I thought dad had just left it on so i ignored it and started to make my way upto my room.


Michael my brother called. I froze and he made his way to the door stopping in his tracks as he saw the state i was in.

"Sky clifford what the hell happened to you!"

Michael said with concern. He picked me up bridal style and i cried into his chest as he took me to my bathroon in my room. He sad me on my sink bench and grabbed a face washer and lightly dabbed all the blood off of my face.

"Sky...how did...girl or boy"

Michael ended up saying calm. He really cares about me. He has been there for me since i was born.

"I-it w-was a g-girl"

I said between tears

"Sky its ok, its ok im here"

Michael tried to comfort me. He took me to my bed after he had cleaned up my face and i started to cry into his shoulder.

"Shhhhh im here, shhhhh"

He rubbed my back to comfort me more. I started to feel tired so i ended up falling asleep on Michael's lap, peacefully with nothing getting in my way.

Michael's POV


I called out. I got no responce so i got up and made my aay to the door. I stopped horrified at what i was seeing. Sky, there was blood eveywhere, i ran towards here.

"Sky Clifford what the hell happened to you!"

I was so concerd, more than i have ever been in my life! She bursted into tears and i picked her up bridal style and took her to her room. I hate seeing my sister like this! I took her to her bathroom and sat her on the sink bench. I found a face washer and pulled one out, but as i was searching for one i found a packet of blades sitting in her draw. I decided not to bring anything up to her because of tbe state she was in. I wet the face washer and started to lighty dab on her face clearing it up slowly.

"Sky...how did...girl or boy?"

I finally said after being lost for words

"I-it w-was a g-girl"

She said between tears. Shit that girl must have been strong! She started to cry a little harder and i tried to comfort her.

"Sky its ok, its im here"

Was all i managed to say. I took her to her bed and let her cry into my shoulder.

"Shhhhh im here, shhhhh"

I rubbed her back and noticed that her eye lids started to get heavy so i let her fall asleep on my lap. After 5 mins she was asleep and i slowely removed her from my lap and tucked her into her bed. She has been through so much. I dont know how she is going to take the news that dad has for her.

Authors note
Ohhhhh whats the news! I kinda just wrote what i thougt fitted the stroy line and yeah! So if its crappy im verry sorry. X
~ Montanah

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