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Sky's POV

Tonights the night of the party and i have nothing to wear honestly.

"So you coming to the party tonight?"

Scarlet said quietly so that no one could hear.

"Um i dont know i have nothing to wear that has party writen on it"

She laughed at my crappy choice of words.

"Here you can borrow my clothes"

She handed me her bag and i started to go through it. I ended up with a black dress that was low cut at the chest area and was well above my knees. It was black velvet and looked really good! I grabbed a pair of black knee high socks and went to go pick up my Dr. Martins when Scarlet stoped me.

"No no no no! You cant wear Dr. Martins with this dress! Here"

She handed me a pair of black Louis Vuitton heels with a ankle strap.

"Holy shit Scarlet! How do u have these and why bring them here!"

"For emergencies like this one!"

She winked at me and then pushed me into the bathroom to get ready. I gave myself a final look and was satisfied with my outfit. I walked out and Scarlet gasped.

"SKY! You look hot!"

I gave a loud laugh and so did she.


"Luke will love this, ok now where did i put my shoes"

"What did u just say?"

I giggled.

"I said luke will love what your wearing, im ok to say it out load Sky"

She laughed.

"Ah! Found my shoes! Lets get out of here"

We opened the window and quietly jumped out. We shut the window and made sure that it didnt make a loud click. We started to walk to the spot where we would go through to get to the party. We walked through the hole in the fence and walked onto a road. There was signs that told you where to go so we followed. We eventually ended up at a big house that looked 3 buildings high. We made our way to the front door and the man at the front stopped us.


"Sky Clifford and Scarlet Johnson"

"Yep your good"

He let us through and immediately i could smell the strong liquor and smoke. As we walked more into the house we saw groups playing games such as spin the bottle, 7 minutes in heaven and so on. We passed many of groups sucking each others face off and plenty smoking some sort of drug. I know i was stupid the other night too but c'mon people do they think of their health!

"Hey! I didnt think you would show!"

I turned around to be faced with a drugged up Ashton Irwin.

"Yeah, I decided to be care free for once!"

"I can see by the choice of outfit!"

As we continued to yell over the loud crowd of people Scarlet came up to me.

"Sky did u want to go and get some fresh air? You dont look to good!"

She was right, the burning smell of liquor was getting to me and to top it off the smoke didnt help.

"Yeah im going for a breather be back in a few minutes!"

I made my way through groups of people trying to find what might be a door to the back yard. I finally found it and to my luck no one was out there. I decided to go the as far away from the beaming music so that i could hear myself think. I found a spot and sat down on the grass.


I looked up to see a charming Luke.


"Can i join you?"

"Yeah sure!"

I patted a spot next to me for Luke to sit down on.

"Here lay down for a second."

He said.

"Your not going to do something stupid are you?"

"No im going to lay down with you"


I layed down on the grass looking up at the sky.

"You know...ah...ok im going to sound so stupid, but i do this every night. I come outside and look at the sky and admire the veiw that is put before my eyes"

He said, he is so cute.

"Why do you do this may i ask"

"Funny that ah... i started doing it as soon as you came. When ever i looked up at the sky i would think of you. You are beautiful and the sky is beautiful, they match you see."

I could feel my cheeks heating up, shit i hope he cant see how red in the face i was.

"Thank you, thats very sweet"

"So is your outfit may i say"

He gave me a slight kiss on the cheek.
We sat there for a little moment and i took the chace to finally get him to tell me why he ended up at the Mental Institution.

"Ok everytime i try to ask you this question something gets in the way"

"What is it?"

"Why are you a patient at The Mental Institution Of Australia?"

He sighed and then spoke up.

"You see, when i was a little kid my parents used to fight...a lot. My dad used to abuse me and my mum daily. That started my depression. But im not in here because of my depression."

He had to take a moment, i saw a tear come from his eye. I wiped it off his face.

"You dont have to tell me if you dont want to"

"No...you need to know who i really am. So after all the abuse mum had, had enough and decided to leave. Dad became and alcoholic and got fired from his job because he never turned up, he was too busy drinking and hitting me. After a while me and my dad became broke. So i wanted to help. I met this guy on the street and...and he offered me a deal. He said "i want you to find a girl, give her love for a night and then kill her. I will give you 1,000 dollars per person you kill". I...i was so stupid. I took the offer and he handed me a gun. We really needed the money and i didnt even think about the long term effect. I would then go to clubs, find hot girls, have sex and then...shoot them. I became a sex addict. We got a load of money from it so i kept on having sex and then killed innocent people. For the...fun of it. The police found out and insted of putting me in jail they charged my dad so big that all my effort to get us money to help us live went to trash and then they sent me here. I have been here for 2 years now. I dont know why i did it Sky, im so sorry"

I was in shock. Holy shit! What have i gotten my self into!

"I...dont know what to do or say i just...how, why?"

"I dont know Sky"


I said. I have never seen a guy so sad in my entire life! I dont know what got into me but i got the courage to kiss him. It was passionate and i ment it.

"Its ok, i trust you Luke."

"Sky...Trust is just another word"

Authors note:

Now we know what luke is there for!! Im sorry if there was any typos. I hope you all liked this chapter. xx

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