Instictual Attraction (Cindy Moon, aka Silk)

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"Come on, Parker! You have to hurry!" Peter Parker, also know as Spider-Man, was swinging through the buildings in turmoil. The new memories he had received all thanks to the eye of the Watcher had made his mind a complete mess. He even hyperventilates a bit before taking action. He needed to amend his mistake, because it was thanks to him that someone lost so much.

He arrived at Sims Tower, the place he had tracked her, the other person who was bitten by the same spider that gave him his powers. He searched through each floor, his instincts telling him the way he needed to go. But while his eyes were looking for the woman, his mind was elsewhere.

"Both of them knew of her! Ezekiel and Julia!" He was angry beyond belief. The man that wanted to hide him in the depths of his building was already hiding someone who lost so much through the years, and he was not about to allow her keep suffering through the loneliness. And Julia, she was the worst of the two. She knew of her and decided to do nothing! It all made sense now, remembering her words when she told him that if he quitted, that there was someone who would fill the role. It was her, Cindy Moon, the woman who was bitten by the same spider as he was. But enough was enough.

"No more lies!" He roared, punching the enhanced vibranium door off its hinges, sending it flying across the room. He had enough lies, enough of anyone trying to manipulate his life and the lives of those that surrounded him. He kept on walking, kept on going forward. Because it was time to end the nightmare of a young woman who had suffered from loneliness for almost a decade.

"Hello. My name is-" Peter didn't hesitate in destroying the monitor that had an Ezekiel Sims supposedly explaining everything. He had enough, and he was not going to let anyone stop him from granting freedom to someone who deserves it more than anyone else in the world.

"H-Hello?! I-Is someone there?" Peter heard the slightly muffled voice of a female. He looked back a bit, walking backwards to the door in which he heard the voice from. He placed his hand on the door, a soft sigh escaping from his mouth.

"Cindy. Cindy Moon? This is Spider-Ma-"

"What?!" Peter heard the ruffles and the noises that came through the room. The feminine voice that had interrupted him, was probably doing something which then made her shocked at his announcement and then caused all of that disruption. "Is it really you?!"

"Yes... It's me" Spider-Man chuckled slightly, his mind imagining the grown woman looking like an excited girl. It was a slightly hilarious image that he made in his mind. "I have come to get you out of here" He started to enter the code to let the trapped woman out of the isolated place she had been for most of her life. And it was now a matter of time before everything came to an end, to be able to help her be free. "No on should live this-"

"You can't!" She yelled, with Peter ignoring most of it. He was not going to allow her to keep on suffering because of the words of a lunatic. He didn't care if Morlun would come back, he needed to let her out. "If you open the door, Morlun will come!"

"I've been told... But don't worry about it" He took a step back, looking forward as he saw a femenine silhouette through the midst of the opening door. "If Morlun wants to come for the third round, he can try. He is going to keep on losing either way" Peter saw just how the automatic door ended the process of opening on its own. Looking just at how it allows the passage of the female inside. "Because I am not allowing him to hurt you or anyone else"

He saw a korean woman with long black hair curled up on the edge of the room. He could hear the slight sobs of the woman, making him muster the courage to enter the room. He saw her, who was wearing a green shirt with pinkish shorts, all broken from everything that had happened.

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