Unexpected Invitation

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A beautiful symphony of twittering blue birds graced the clean crisp air on another bright sunny day in the land of Equestria. The leaves on the trees had already turned that beautiful shade of red, orange, and yellow as the season of fall taken full effect on Ponyville. All around the bustling little down, the local residents were doing their best to take up the copious amounts of leaves that fell from the numerous trees of the land and fallen right smack dab in the middle of their dwelling. Now it was not yet that time of year for the annual 'Running of the Leaves' so there was not yet a need to keep the leaves around. It was only right that every pony did their part to keep their town clean from the leaves.

In particular, one tiny little cottage right on the brink of the Everfree Forest was rather covered in leaves seeing as how many from the dark trees fell right into the tiny yard. The only one working, trying to take up those leaves, was a lone butter yellow Pegasus with a bright pink mane and triple butterfly cutie mark.

Fluttershy hummed a peaceful little melody to herself as she raked the lawn with great care and precision. The shy, timid Element of Kindness may not be as nitpicky about perfection as her friend Rarity usually was, but she still strived to keep her property in tip-top shape. Finally, she was able to take up the last of the leaves into a perfect little pile at the edge of her yard and turned back to admire her handiwork. The entire yard was all spick and span now without a single trace of leaves. She took a deep breath and released a gentle sigh of relief.

"Perfect!" She smiled.

She turned back to the open front door of her tiny cottage, seeing a miniscule, little white bunny with floppy ears frowning at her and tapping his tiny little foot on the ground like a disapproving parent. This was Angel Bunny, Fluttershy's faithful companion (Or rather, the constant center of attention). The tiny little rabbit was so spoiled rotten, always taking full advantage of Fluttershy's kindness. To him, everything either had to be done his way or no way.

"Oh Angel, doesn't the yard look just perfect?" Fluttershy asked sweetly.

To which the little bunny rabbit just shook his head and crossed his tiny little arms in disapproval.

"Oh dear!" Fluttershy said worriedly. "Did I not rake every leaf? Or maybe it's because the flowers need watering? Oh, I hope I remembered to clean out the gutters."

Angel groaned to himself, face palming his little paw at Fluttershy's worrying.

Okay... maybe she can be a bit nitpicky at times.

Nothing wrong with wanting your yard looking good. I for one take great pride in that.

Yeah right. I've been to your house; all I see is crab grass and weeds everywhere.

Moving on!

Angel hopped over toward Fluttershy, jumping upon her back. He pointed his little paw toward a pile of leaves then another section of the lawn, all while Fluttershy's gaze followed his pointing.

"Oh, I see!" She realized. "You think that the leaves would be better over there, don't you?"

Angel gave a little smile, nodding in affirmation. With her constant aim to please others, Fluttershy quickly got to work and raked the leaves over the side of the lawn that Angel pointed out. When that was done, she looked back at him for approval. But Angel took one look, shook his head, and pointed to another section of the yard. This went on for the next fifteen minutes before the poor dear collapsed from exhaustion. Sweat ran down her face as she looked up at Angel for his approval and to her upmost thanks, he finally nodded his head in approval. It was only when Fluttershy finally got back to her hooves and looked toward where the pile rested only to realize it was in the exact same place she had finished the first time.

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