Troubling Times

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Back in Coolsville, the citizens went about their normal lives completely unaware of the horror making its way toward their front door. Currently, a large amount of daily commuters found themselves stuck in a massive traffic jam holding up the entire street. Many of them honked their horns in irritation while others voiced their frustration rather loudly.

Sounds like us on a daily basis, doesn't it?

You have absolutely no idea, man.

Oh... I believe I do.

"Move that worthless piece of tin!" A man yelled, honking his horn.

While the many denizens worried themselves with the traffic, an even larger threat loomed behind them. A giant, ghostly pirate ship glided through the air directly over the citizens, who all looked in horror at the sight directly over their heads. The other citizens panicked and ran as fast as they could. Aboard the ghost ship were the evil masked figure, Chrysalis, and the spirit of Sombra observing the chaos below with wicked satisfaction.

"Citizens!" The masked figure stated loudly. "Turn in Mystery Inc. Your reward: We'll let you live!"

The evil masked figure laughed darkly as the Tar Monster rose up from the street below, taking the form of a giant monstrous hand before regaining its original form.

"My monsters can make life very unpleasant."

The Tar Monster spread his tar all across the street, trapping any unfortunate souls in its grasp as the ghost ship floated overhead.

"Find me Mystery Inc... NOW!!!"


Back in the Mystery Machine, the gang and the Equestrians continued their way to the safe location Velma told them about. All the while, they watched Heather Jasper Howe give an emergency update on events transpiring in Coolsville.

"Heather Jasper-Howe with an emergency update for Investigative Probe. A monster army has invaded Coolsville. Angry citizens have gathered outside Mystery Inc.'s offices in protest. They're insisting the gang cooperate with the Evil Masked Figure's demands."

"Wow, things are getting worse by the minute," Twilight sighed.

"You'd think in times of crisis like this everyone would band together to fight this," Rarity spoke.

"Oh, they are banding together all right," Rainbow frowned. "Against us!"

"Well, mainly against them," Pinkie gestured to Mystery Inc.

This caused the entire gang to look back at Pinkie with heated glares. Pinkie chuckled nervously before ducking back down and everyone returned their attention to the screen. Before their eyes, the crowd angrily chanted and even called Mystery Inc. 'Mystery Stink'. They then screamed and ducked as the Pterodactyl Ghost flew over them.

In the meantime, the Zombie started running rampant through the crowd and the whole thing broke into full blown panic. But that did not stop one determined newsman to have an interview with the creature.

"Excuse me, sir," A newsman asked. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

The zombie snarled and hurled all over him, much to his disgust and dismay. Suffice to say, Scooby found what the zombie did hilarious. The Great Dane laughed a bit before noticing everyone glaring at him and shrunk down alongside Pinkie, who merely patted his shoulder.

"I beg you, Mystery Inc., if you can hear me, turn yourselves in!" Heather begged onscreen.

"But if we do, he'll get the control panel back," Fred spoke. "And the city will be in worse shape."

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