Monster Mash

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Following their near-death experience with both Captain Cutler and the Pterodactyl Ghost, the Mystery Inc. crew and the Equestrians soon arrived back at the Old Time Mining Town. The Mystery Machine came in at full force and actually crashed into an old shack that ended up having an entire wall fall from the impact. The gang quickly jumped out and Rainbow peeked out, her head still spinning as she shook the grogginess off.

"Sheesh! Someone get that dog's license!" She spoke dizzily.

"Hey, I did the best I could on the spot!" Scrappy shot back.

"Maybe not the best on the parking job though," Spike commented.

"That's something we can focus on after we're all out of mortal danger," Twilight reminded.

"Alright gang," Fred addressed everyone. "The Monster Hive is right over there. Let's get this control panel and plug her in."

Suddenly, the sound of a horse whinny caught everyone's attention and they turned to the side. And there... the Black Knight Ghost appeared, riding a black horse with glowing red eyes. In his hands he held a lance, as he stared intently toward Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians with great hatred. Specifically towards Fred Jones.

"You go nowhere, knave..." He said menacingly.

The Mane Six, Cadance, and Shining Armor jumped in front of everyone. They stood ready to defend those they cared for with every fiber of their beings.

"Come on tin can!" Rainbow challenged. "I've been wanting to put a dent in that armor all day!"

"We ain't afraid of ya!" Applejack added. "No way, no how!"

Before they could do anything, Fred stepped in front of them and held a hand up, the signal to stand down.

"You guys take the long way around..." Fred instructed. "I'll hold him off."

The Black Knight merely glared toward Fred, all the more intensely. Shining Armor then stepped alongside Mystery Inc.'s leader, glaring toward the Black Knight as well.

"Then I'm fighting with you," Shining spoke determined. "The rest of you go ahead and fix this mess."

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, almost contemplating whether or not to go on like they said or stay behind and fight. However, they knew the longer they'd wait, the more monsters would run rampant in Coolsville. Reluctantly, they decided to go on and leave Fred & Shining to face the Black Knight.

"Come on," Velma urged everyone.

"Go get him Fred!" Shaggy encouraged Fred.

Cadance quickly raced toward Shining Armor, planted a quick kiss on his lips, and then threw her hooves around him.

"You better come back to me," She whispered.

"Always..." Shining whispered back.

As they finally pulled away, Shining looked toward Flurry Heart, who tried her best not to cry. But alas, she was failing miserably.

"D-Daddy..." She whimpered. "B-Before we g-go, I-I just wanted to say..."

But Shining gave her no chance to finish. Instead, he grabbed her and drew her to him with a bone-crushing hug. They hugged for what felt like the longest time before Shining pulled away and held her face in his hooves.

"I was wrong to say all those things Flurry," He told her. "The truth is... I was so afraid you were growing up so fast. I secretly just always wanted you to be my baby girl, forever if I had the power. But I realize now... I can't stop you from growing up; don't miss this chance because of me. Now go... live your life... and make me proud."

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed Where stories live. Discover now